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Non Snowy - Any issue?
I haven't update CoC to the latest one yet, without the snow. Just wondering if any of you already updated .. and if any issue with the bot?

Just don't want to screw up the bot by updating. I'll update if there is no issue .. Smile
Running fine with attack all (expected). Haven't been hitting many dead bases with 70% but I did swap images a few days ago and not hitting much before snow removal.
I'm set to dead bases, and I get by. It seems to skip alot more, but I haven't been babysitting.
Is there a certain image set that seems to work best for new non snowy update?
My bot keeps skipping a lot of dead bases, sometimes it skips up to 300times before finding anything and it skips a lot of full / almost full extractors (200k gold + 200k elixir to take). I'm in crystal 3 and the loot is very good here. I'm using lazy pressing as well and it manages to find a dead base after just couple skips.

It might be because of the lack of snow. Could we get an update with new images ? Or any fix for dead base mode, anything at all please
Image sets are different fir snow/no snow ... plus we will probably update the current ones

Im interested in knowing too how its working..
Be Wise & Good As Much As You Could
-Mystery7 Shadetongue
(01-27-2015, 02:43 AM)Mystery7 Wrote:  Image sets are different fir snow/no snow ... plus we will probably update the current ones

Im interested in knowing too how its working..

Do you know of a certain version we can download that has the old image set?
For me it's working just fine without any change with the version (dead base detection)
(01-27-2015, 11:45 PM)goondar Wrote:  For me it's working just fine without any change with the version (dead base detection)

My coc updated automatically, and I've definitely noticed it attacking more dead bases that barely have anything in the pumps. It's still working decent though, but I could tell it was better when I had the snowy update still, so something must need changing.

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