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Developing Bot
thank you!! have a nice time Smile

no its not - just the training works in background

sounds are not implemented yet
(12-25-2014, 05:22 AM)qaqaq Wrote:  JUST question.
Is it impossible to make the Bot run in background.

im not sure if all process can run in background, but i was using it and i put it in background, minimize the bot and let all do it alone. after a quite while the bot attack a few villages, but i dont get so much loot (arround 3k-9k) so, im not sure
Thanks antidote!
The bot is working awesome!
But I wondered why it doesn't deploy all the troops, I have 200 archers, it only deploy 120 and I have 80 more after match. just tested it btw. Will leave it running
I've may or may not have fixed some of the issues, but I got it working pretty successfully for my computer and I was hoping some success in other computers aswell.

Download latest version here (Bot 003):!eEQCwJbC!hOv-uu5M1j...7DXRXUaLeo
(12-25-2014, 11:41 AM)GkevinOD Wrote:  I've may or may not have fixed some of the issues, but I got it working pretty successfully for my computer and I was hoping some success in other computers aswell.

Download latest version here (Bot 003):!eEQCwJbC!hOv-uu5M1j...7DXRXUaLeo

Tried Bot 003. Below are my reports:

1- Training for me is still hit and miss. Some time the clicking on the army is OK, but most of the time what happens is that during the rapid clicking of Archer/Barb the barrack window closed, but the rapid clicking is still there, hence it was rapidly clicking on my wall instead. I believe it is clicking on the same position of Archer/Barb, but due to the barrack window is not there, that's why it hit the wall.

2- Resource Collection is good. No issue for me.

3- After Army is full, it started attacking, dropping and finishing the raid, went back to home without any issue.

4- The attacking pattern need to be improved if we want to let the bot running on its own. The current pattern is not really good. I believe a good pattern is either dropping is V-shape ( 2 sides) or 4 sides all together in order to maximize the possibility of getting maximum loot possible and getting a star.
Guys and you can make an attack from two sides in lazpressing ???
First throws gigs then barbarians further archers and it would be great.
Gkevinod, may i know how to set the value for resolution of 800x600 using your getgold function?

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