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Developing Bot
(12-30-2014, 12:52 AM)promac Wrote:  @ t0per666
Go to your config.ini and put the barrack 4 same coord. them barrack 3, exemple :
Now u can run the bot ....
Another error :
[2:48:04 PM] (12) [G]: 87483 [E]: 190729 [D]: 28 [T]: 34
[2:48:04 PM] ===============Searching Complete===============
[2:48:05 PM] This version of the bot does not have an attack algorithm
[2:48:05 PM] Bot has stopped

GkevinOD has mentioned several times in this thread that the alpha version of the bot does not have an attack algorithm.
He said the next version should have it. For the time being, you can use ver 003.
Have found a situation while searching for base , after being forced offline due to six hour or out of sync. Bot is unaware and keep searching with zero result and stay in that loop. Sometime it will automate restart the game and stay in unzoom while bot still in searching loop. I am using bot003. Understand pre-alpha 004, include the out of sync code but unable to do real test on it for now and not sure what it actually do and will it solve the above situation.

Think need to put a check for error message like out of sync, online for too long while searching for base.
i tried the alpha version but when the search meets the conditions says that bot doesnt have attack algorythm.

LE: just saw it now, i will wait the v5 with it. thanks guys for the work!
(12-30-2014, 02:02 AM)AlexXxuTzZu Wrote:  i tried the alpha version but when the search meets the conditions says that bot doesnt have attack algorythm.

LE: just saw it now, i will wait the v5 with it. thanks guys for the work!

maybe read a few posts before Wink
Hey there guys,

I've been following this forum since a couple of days now after trying to get LF Robot to work infinitly.
I must say that you have made real progress in creating your own community based bot.

I downloaded the bot 002 and bot 004 version and really liking what I'm seeing.
I think there is still a lot of work in progress but I understand that the developers are very busy with this project.

Personally I think logging would be a great aspect of the bot. For analysing purposes during testing and in final versions to see what loot your attacks brought you VS the gold and elixer you spend on the attack.
So my opinion is to log as much as the robot offers.

Is there any way I could participate in this project. I know some php programming and I am willing to do some intensive testing if required.

Hope I can help
I'm getting problem with this how to solve this? TIA

[Image: 13c123c123c12_zpsa7d4ccde.png]

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