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Developing Bot
i'm already using that one, COC Bot Pre-Alpha v5.3 but it's deployment is too slow for me. Is there a way i can speed it up? btw i'm getting this error:
2015-01-01 14:32:48 : ===============Searching For Base===============
2015-01-01 14:32:52 : (1) [G]: 164017 [E]: 163334 [D]: 0 [T]: 21
2015-01-01 14:32:57 : Error cannot check for Dead Base, Attacking...
2015-01-01 14:32:57 : *If you used 32Bit, use 64Bit.
2015-01-01 14:32:58 : Error cannot check for Dead Base, Attacking...
2015-01-01 14:32:58 : *If you used 32Bit, use 64Bit.
2015-01-01 14:32:59 : Error cannot check for Dead Base, Attacking...
2015-01-01 14:32:59 : *If you used 32Bit, use 64Bit.
2015-01-01 14:32:59 : Error cannot check for Dead Base, Attacking...
2015-01-01 14:32:59 : *If you used 32Bit, use 64Bit.
2015-01-01 14:33:00 : ~~~~~~~Dead Base Found!~~~~~~~
2015-01-01 14:33:00 : ===============Searching Complete===============
but it won't let me use the 64 bit. i tried restarting my computer and will updaate this post when i found something.

update: im still getting this
[Image: 109499f771217da7e0ce5c2ebd1791db.png]
i'm going to try to change it, thank you for helping. i will post an update if it fix my problem Wink layzpressing is okay but the $10 fee is too much Sad
the bot is not collecting the collectors, is that normal?

EDIT: it's working fine now! thank you kojometa
Im still on little flower.. waiting for my subscription to expire..
is little flower okay? im using lazypressing atm.
its better than lazy. the attacks do not look like bots at all
are you actually really thinking about still buying a coc bot although you're on a forum for a free nice free one atm? Laugh
no kojometa im just asking, i think this bot is very good! ive been using it for 1 hour now and it's still working!

the problem atm is not collecting collectors and auto request/donate. it's still under development?
I get white window after run bot 1h. I use win 8.1 64bits and use Compiled x64
can u post a screenshot? ive been using it for straight 2 hours now without a problem.

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