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v 5.4.0
Can also confirm that the bot seems to be clicking different coordinates than the ones set manually.
It clicks the barracks fine for me at least however it then clicks the upgrade button instead of the train troops button. Also it says barracks unavailable when I use the hide option.
i tried replacing the coordinates but only level 2 barracks is trying to make troops.
[Image: cfb458781c985a7cb93cc682bc00821b.png]
level 5 and 4 barracks is not. it's trying to click upgrade.
[Image: d367e5782fd78617644661ac5b592dd3.png]
Hey guys, can we have a compiled version with the hotfix?

Best Regards
also had trouble with coordinates and fining buttons after patch. but with your fix it works.
i think the pixel is fine only variation of 10 was too much!

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