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Hi GkevinOD,
first of all i'll like to say a big thanks for making coc bot.
after finding dead base bot v5.4.2 is giving a error.
It would be nice to add this code at the func getresource to speed up clicking reload. But i'm not sure if it will slow down search process.

what do you think chief GkevinOD?

If $i >= 20 OR _ColorCheckVariation(Hex(PixelGetColor($BSpos[0] + 458, $BSpos[1] + 311), 6), Hex(0x33B5E5, 6)) Or _ColorCheckVariation(Hex(PixelGetColor($BSpos[0] + 284, $BSpos[1] + 28), 6), Hex(0x41B1CD, 6)) Then ; If gold cannot be read by 10 seconds

CPU and memory still smooth sailing after attacks.

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