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Do you think this program would work on a brand new account? (Town Hall 2)
it should. how about testing it out?
(01-12-2015, 07:20 AM)kojometa Wrote:  it should. how about testing it out?

I just made a new account last night, it's still Town Hall 2. I'll try it out while I go do laundry and I'll let you know how it goes.
make sure not to check archers in the troop settings if you dont have archers
(01-12-2015, 07:32 AM)kojometa Wrote:  make sure not to check archers in the troop settings if you dont have archers

Could you tell me how to resize it to 860x720? I downloaded the file, but it's a CRDOWNLOAD file and i don't know what to do with that. I can edit it with AutoIt, but can't open it, and any research has fell short.
Now something else has messed up. After I resized, bluestacks looks like this, even after restarting everything and making sure the parameters were correct.

Note: Not only is it not filling in the space provided by the window, anything you click is off-set as well. For example, I can click on a cannon and it will register as me clicking on the army camp below it.

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