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Solution for Dead Base Search Errors for those who use the Bot out of Scite
Since i have seen a couple of ppl over here having Problems with the Dead Base Search i am going to write a short Tut on how you might solve your problems if you use the script instead of the Pre-Compiled executable.
If you run the Bot out of the Editor (Scite) it is most likely not possible to use the Dead Base Search Function.
That means you will have to compile it before you can use it.
Here is how you compile it the right way!

1. Change the Include at the Top of your Script to the one belonging to your System
#AutoIt3Wrapper_UseX64=Y --> If you use Windows 64 Bit
#AutoIt3Wrapper_UseX64=N --> If you use Windows 32 Bit

2. Save the changes and go into your Autoit Folder. Over there you should find a Folder called "Aut2Exe"
In there you find Aut2exe.exe and Aut2exe_x64.exe
If you use 32 Bit open the Aut2exe.exe and if you use 64 Bit use the Aut2exe_x64.exe

3. Chose your Source Script (From Nr. 1) and Chose your Destination (You can leave it the way it is)

4. If you use 32 Bit make sure the x64 Box at the Bottom is not ticked. If you use 64 Bit make sure it is ticked!

5. Compile it

6. Run the exe

7. ???

8. Profit

EDIT: Make sure to diable your antivirus programm during the compiling process. For me avast leaded to an error which made the .exe non-openable. So make sure you got it deactivated for compiling!
sooo...i have a stupid question...

its not the same if i open de .au3 file and go to tools->compile?

if is not, can u explain me why? i dont know programming, and i want to lear some =)

Windows 8 pro x64
Ati 5770 HD
AMD Phenom II x6 1090 T
4Gb Ram
DirectX 11
NET .Framework 4.5.1
AutoIt. v3.3.12.0
It was a very clear instruction given by kojometa and it is meant for people who need help.. Of coz there is other ways of compiling like you mentioned. By if you just do it your way, the compilation might be based on the default that you chose when you installed autoit. Even you are 64bit, it might compile for you as 32 bit for compatibility purpose. So might not be accurate.
(01-16-2015, 01:14 PM)dinobot Wrote:  It was a very clear instruction given by kojometa and it is meant for people who need help.. Of coz there is other ways of compiling like you mentioned. By if you just do it your way, the compilation might be based on the default that you chose when you installed autoit. Even you are 64bit, it might compile for you as 32 bit for compatibility purpose. So might not be accurate.

ohh...thanks...i didnt know that =)
Windows 8 pro x64
Ati 5770 HD
AMD Phenom II x6 1090 T
4Gb Ram
DirectX 11
NET .Framework 4.5.1
AutoIt. v3.3.12.0
what about using auto it?
i was wondering how does the bot know that the base is dead i mean which part of the code?
[trying to learn Autoit]
Its the zombiesearch function. It does this by searching for the contents of the appropriate images sub folder against the screen. e.g. looking for a full elixir collector
hey guys firstly good stuff and thanks, don't know if this is relevant but maybe it could also look at gold and elixir storages, if there empty most loot is in collectors. . . keep up good work
Can I ask question? I know this is stupid question but, i will still ask . Is the script still working even if the screen has been turned off? Thanks for your answer in the future.
(01-30-2015, 12:07 PM)Grim Reaper Wrote:  Can I ask question? I know this is stupid question but, i will still ask . Is the script still working even if the screen has been turned off? Thanks for your answer in the future.

As long as your PC/laptop doesn't go to sleep from the inactivity, yes, it will work.

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