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Farm looking for Th outside OR dead base
Ok lets compile all the codes into one. This will work if you check the search for dead base function. First your bot will find a base that meets your resources preference, then will check if the base is a dead base or has its town hall located outside or has a town hall level 7 and below. If any of this 3 condition is true, it will attack that base.
just add this under the dead base if clause
ElseIf $searchTH <= 6 Then
                        SetLog("~~~~~~~Weak Town Hall Found!~~~~~~~", $COLOR_GREEN)
                     ElseIf $THLoc = "Outside" Then
                        SetLog("~~~~~~~Farming Base Found!~~~~~~~", $COLOR_GREEN)

TH10 in champions league, searching for a deadbase <= 9 then Outside , can be too long the search and spend alot of gold ....
thanks notme really appreciate it, im gonna try it tonight!

Promac, its intended to be used in crystal up, best leagues to farm with th10, and its just searching for a dead base, OR a outside th, Or a low th, cant be too long to find just one of these, and thats the point
you are very much welcome. :D
I've tried the codes.

TH detection is still buggy with the latest version. The issue is when the bot cannot detect TH, but the loot is meeting the requirement. Then the bot will attack as it consider that particular case as weak base.
I'm just wondering....if the bot cannot detect TH, is it possible to tell the bot to skip that base? In that way we'll be solving the issue k3iroll has found.

I've noticed that the bot sometimes says TH outside or TH inside...However sometimes it just says "..." and I guess that "..." means the bot has been unable to detect TH.
hmmm.. maybe they can add another else if somewhere in the search codes like if the checkTownhall() returns "-" , the bot will click next?
I am not sure about this code, but maybe something like this
ElseIf checkTownhall() = "-" Then
SetLog("~~~~~~~Unable to detect Townhall, skipping~~~~~~~", $COLOR_ORANGE)
Click(750, 500)

tried the code above, it didn't work. I'm about to try this code next. Still going to put this in the villageSearch under the deadbase if clause.

                     ElseIf $searchTH = "-" And $THLoc  = "-" Then
                        SetLog("~~~~~~~Unable to detect Townhall, skipping~~~~~~~", $COLOR_ORANGE)
                        Click(750, 500)
I am still using 5.5. Wink
try this ?
ElseIf $iradAttackMode = 0 or $THLoc = "Outside" Then
                    If checkDeadBase() Then
                        SetLog("~~~~~~~Dead Base Found!~~~~~~~", $COLOR_GREEN)
                    Elseif $THLoc = "Outside" Then
                        SetLog("~~~~~~~Outside Townhall Found!~~~~~~~", $COLOR_PURPLE)
                        SetLog("~~~~~~~Not dead base, skipping~~~~~~~", $COLOR_ORANGE)
                        Click(750, 500) ;Click Next

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