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Developing Bot
[Image: 327ae3f115.png]
[Image: 1850d71a77.png]

if you use this setting, u wont have any problem. just sometime not all of the troop were drop. just few time i think.
but if u use other than this setting, like changing it B.Arch to Barracks. the bluestack CoC will close automatically after few minutes. Error msg "this app is not install, please install the app and try again" pop out.
background support will be perfect
There is an error on 5.3 Error Parsing Function Call
Somehow it keep saying that app was not installed and asks me to install bluestack.. what version do u guys use?
Is 0.8.7 okay?
If you all have problem with bluestack go to my blog
im having bad image error im using win 8.1 32bit with bot 5.3
I have a little issue with the 5.3 version:
[4:54:21 PM] Trophy Count : 605
[4:54:21 PM] Dropping Trophies

second log:
[5:04:21 PM] Training Troops...
[5:04:33 PM] Barrack 4 is not available
[5:04:34 PM] Training Troops Complete
[5:04:35 PM] ~~~Waiting for full army~~~
[5:05:07 PM] Training Troops...
[5:05:18 PM] Barrack 4 is not available
[5:05:20 PM] Training Troops Complete
[5:05:21 PM] Trophy Count : 625
[5:05:21 PM] Dropping Trophies

i left unchanged the "Max Trophy" option wich is 3000.

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