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[LP][LF][DD]Clash of Clans Farming Bot Cracking and Coding
I think the different modes are a good idea. Even if it is a bit expensive on the elixir. Many situations I am just farming dark elixir as I have lots of elixir but lazypressing bot doesn't do the trick. Like you say, giants that spread out are useless, plus it delays too long before deploying barbs and archers.

May look into doing a bot again and just using auto it instead of blue eye which I can't get a license for anyway. There is an open source prog out there called macro gamer which is made by autoit. May just try using that GUI and add ocr teaseract scanner on to it. That a bad idea taking someone else's prog and just trying to add functionality to it?
Yeah, the thing is I think with BlueEye you need a license to run the scripts even.

So if you wanted to give it to a friend, he would also need a license to use it, since it needs to run the script and doesn't compile them to a .Exe. After the free trial runs out you'd be kind of screwed.
Oh, thought you recommended blue eye to me earlier. What are you using to make us again?
(11-15-2014, 06:41 AM)Memphis Wrote:  Oh, thought you recommended blue eye to me earlier. What are you using to make us again?
I did but I wasn't aware of the licensing issues. AutoIT. Y'all should just make your own bots. It's a lot more customiseable than buying something compiled etc.

Plus the great thing is, if an update comes out you can just fix it up yourself. All you really need is archers and barbs. As nice as a bot filled with functions is, the main goal at the end of the day is to just get loot.
Awesome work guys especially smellysocks! I would be glad to pay for your script bro, don't listen to all those selfish kids that got too used in having everything for free. It's your work and your time we're paying and tbh it's an almost invisible contribution for a tiny piece of your "brain" :D

PS: Let me know if you need a landing page or smth to promote your stuff as I'm a web designer and developer.
Smellysocks, Are you using the BMP files in the lazypressing folder to find the barracks/train button ect?
(11-15-2014, 09:38 AM)Shriva Wrote:  Smellysocks, Are you using the BMP files in the lazypressing folder to find the barracks/train button ect?

I can tell he is using his own.
this thread shouldnt be the most popular thread on the forums wtf
Cant wait for it to be released. Looking forward to it!
Hey Smelly, how difficult is coding the bot? I'm not very experienced in coding. I just know some basic Java.
Think I could do anything? haha


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