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Developing Bot
We should make a mini guide how to set up for beginners so we can get more feedback/testing
I just tried the bot now and my first search was just dropped 1 barb and then nothing... I returned home and bot start himself, checked the troops and then he start searching for enemy with succes just that i only had 3 giants and rest barbs and archs.
Keep it up!
bot is not attacking now..and not searching for enemy
(12-24-2014, 05:35 AM)korpsx Wrote:  We should make a mini guide how to set up for beginners so we can get more feedback/testing

yeah do it lol
I managed to check for maxed zoom out using PixelGetColor (thanks odySSeys & AtoZ). Here's the updated code for func ZoomOut

Func ZoomOut()
  GUICtrlSetData($Results, "Zoom Out" & @CRLF, -1)
  While 1
 If Hex(PixelGetColor(127, 248, $HWnD),6) = "E8C656" And Hex(PixelGetColor(61, 298, $HWnD),6) = "AC8C42" And Hex(PixelGetColor(577, 130, $HWnD),6) = "D5A04F" And Hex(PixelGetColor(739, 251, $HWnD),6) = "ECCE61" Then
ControlSend($HWnD, "", "", "{DOWN}", 0)
 If $RunState = False Then
  GUICtrlSetData($Results, "Zoom Out Complete" & @CRLF, -1)

I tested on 2 different accounts and it both detect max zoom out
how i can get to the BS developer options?

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