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Full Version: v5.6 - Town Hall location (Inside/Outside) got worse?
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One thing I was hoping for in the new update was an updated method for searching for exposed town halls. Well, it looks like the method was updated... but is now far worse than before. The bot is reporting nearly 60% of the THs I come across as 'Outside' making TH sniping impossible. What gives?
as far I can see no major change has been made to attackTH module, or checktownhall function in V5.6.

It shouldn't be acting any better or worse than before.
The program basically on asks:

If $THx > 227 And $THx < 627 And $THy > 151 And $THy < 419 And $searchTH <> "-" Then
       $THLoc = "Inside"
Elseif $searchTH <> "-" Then
        $THLoc = "Outside"
    $THLoc = $searchTH
    $THx = 0
    $THy = 0
So if the TH is within those pixel locations on the screen, it calls it inside, and if its outside of them it call its outside.  There is absolutely ZERO checking to see what is located around the TH, only that it is near an edge. Sad
do any of you notic th 8 being located as th 10?
Yes, been running it for an hour now with boosted barracks to get data faster, and its not identifying several TH levels very well.  It has confused a TH8/TH9/TH10 at least once in every search its made for me. Its also returning the "-" couldn't find TH a lot more too.

Hmm,  Think I found part of the problem;
the match images for TH9 and TH10 were changed in the v 5.6 image directory (.vs.

Before they were only 1 pixel tall, and now they are 2 pixel tall; plus a little wider.

Will have to dig into code and see if the match tolerance was changed as well. Sad
If we were using Github, would know exactly what changed. sigh...