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Full Version: Suggestion - Devide troops training when upgrading barracks
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Im using V5.4.1.3 the GOkevinD released recently. I'm a th9 upgrading my barracks. The bot trains troops as 1st + 2nd barracks will train only barb. And 3rd + 4TH will train archers.
I know i can change the troops in the settings. But what if i wanted to train 2 types of troops in one barracks?
What im suggesting here is to make the bot click the army camp, recognize how many troops has been trained from everykind and then complete it with deviding equally the troops between the avaiable barracks. Thats how the lf robot works i think it could make the bot smarter if develepors did the same.
Sorry if this has been posted before, i didnt find any same thread.
Thank you for your amazing work and keep it up!