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Full Version: + Giants atk and donate troops
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Ok, I figured it out. If anybody wants the bot to donate more often while waiting for camps to fill just add this code to script

;Donate Settings
Global $iDonateCounter = 0 ; Donate counter, when reaches $DONATEATCOUNT, it will donate
Global $DONATEATCOUNT = 2 ; Run DonateCC() after this amount of times before actually donate

and this under  general functions

If _Sleep(30000) Then ExitLoop (2)

If $iDonateCounter > $DONATEATCOUNT Then ; This is prevent from donating all the time which isn't needed anyway
If _Sleep(1000) Or $RunState = False Then ExitLoop (2)
$iDonateCounter = 0
$iDonateCounter = $iDonateCounter + 1

This feature donates every 2 min, and I only tested it in this version of the bot.
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