The Bytecode Club

Full Version: Error in v5.4.2.2
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Hi guys, yesterday i had a problem running the bot while I was sleeping. When I woke up, I realised the bot have been running for only 2 hours because it get the following error:
How I can solve it?
I Am running on a win 7 64 bits, run both, bluestacks/bot, as a administrator.
I using barracks for my attack (2bars/2arch) and I think the bot had the troops to attacks( Some people says it beacause they arent arch or barbs in the attack)
Any help/suggestion will be aprreciate

P.S: The bot was running perfectly before the error
log.txt :
Getting the same error: [Image: af3f0983a4.PNG]

Windows 7
64-Bit OS
Are you guys using dead base search?
I seem to be getting the same issue, but I don't get the error popup. After a few hours, I come to check on it & the bot is frozen so I have to end it through the Task Manager. This last time, there was a Train Troops window open with the Inactivity box over top of it. Previously it was just before an attack started.

v5.4.2.2 & Cross as well.
Dead bases
All troops (modified)

I've slightly modified both versions, so I will try with fresh copies and barch only.

Win7 64bit
16gb RAM
yes I am using dead base search
Dead base search is well known to cause issues, the cross bot uses the same dead base search as so whatever that might happen in will happen in cross bot...

All this stuff is written ....
we are working on all of it.