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Full Version: Antivirus+ - Antivirus Written In Java
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General Features
+ Mixes both static and dynamic file scanning
+ Built on top of existing AV databases & tools
+ Experimental modules
+ Large signature database
+ The tool is still early in development

+ Use in combination with Windows Defender or another trusted Antivirus
+ Quarantine does not actually quarantine - Until we can rule out false positives from the yara rules we probably won't have a realtime quarantine
+ Instead, we have a passive quarantine that requires the user to decide if they want to remove the files or not

Click here to view the project source code

Click here to download the latest release

How To Install
+ Install the latest JRE (Must be on Java 8 or higher)
+ Download the latest release
+ Run the latest release
+ You'll have to wait for the initial download to finish before you can scan
+ Due to the signature database size this can be up to an hour
+ Report all issues here

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