The Bytecode Club

Full Version: [LATEST VERSION] v5.5.1.1
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For me the bot doesn't donate. I get a message saying no new chat, skip donating. It doesn't even attempt to open the chat section to see if there are donation requests.
(02-06-2015, 10:29 AM)Egibb Wrote: [ -> ]For me the bot doesn't donate. I get a message saying no new chat, skip donating. It doesn't even attempt to open the chat section to see if there are donation requests.

check that:
If _ColorCheck(_GetPixelColor(34, 321), Hex(0xE00300, 6), 20) = False

do you have the red new-messages icon on the left?
if not, the bot wont donate!
Awesome! good job bro! but i need make dark troops, 10 minioms , like lazypressing. Please add this in the next update.
My clan doesn't talk so I don't have the red new message icon. I don't think you get a new message icon when someone requests.
then explain to me how the bot is supposed to donate if your clan doesnt ask for donations!?
In my previous messages I never said my clan didn't ask for donations so let me clarify. My clan is full of botters so we don't talk in the chat. We just let the bot donate/request/raid. When you request for troops you don't get the red icon.

Maybe in the next release have it check or click on the arrow to open the chat log.

Anyways thanks for the hard work. Loving the bot!
Can i join? What is name of ur clan?
when theres a request for a donation there is a red chat sign!
Hmm well I don't seem to be getting the red notification. Did a quick google and it seems others are expirencing the same problem. Idk I don't think I ever got the red notification icon when someone requested. I may be wrong though.
isnt working with me

gives a auto it error
line 747 of functions.au3

return "?

error unterminated string
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