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Full Version: [SUGGESTION] Recognizing Numbers, symbols and emojis on donation system
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First of all e big thank you to the Devs for this awesome bot.

Now to the main topic, its been several days that i use this bot and whenever its a request for donation with Numbers like 223 or 1 witch and 18 Archers it doesnt recognize it, the same goes with symbols for example, wiz>arch it recognizes only wiz and not the rest of the word.

And next there requests with Emojis in the beginning that the same it recognize them like empty blank even if it says Archers after the emoji.

Is there anything you can do to get even better the recognizing system?

Thank you again for your hard work.
There is only so much that we can physically do within this programming language.
We may consider looking into it but don't expect it anytime soon.