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Developing Bot - Printable Version

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RE: Developing Bot - GkevinOD - 12-24-2014

RE: Developing Bot - mikypark - 12-24-2014

(12-24-2014, 09:38 AM)GkevinOD Wrote: @mikypark Are you using the version that I posted just now? If you are not sure then try using this bot:

Otherwise, if it still does not work then I'll look more closely on what the problem could be.

Yes im using this version,maybe the "G/E" search is bugged?

RE: Developing Bot - kojometa - 12-24-2014

G/E works fine Smile
what resolution do you use? looks pretty big

RE: Developing Bot - GkevinOD - 12-24-2014

RE: Developing Bot - Shriva - 12-24-2014

May I suggest a version numbering system?

That way people can tell what the latest version is.. and we can tell if they are using a version that might be fixed already in a later version..

RE: Developing Bot - nimlyel - 12-24-2014

Hi everyone. I have a problem. My barracks is lvl 10. This bot not working for my barracks. Can someone help me?

RE: Developing Bot - detleflan - 12-24-2014

Quote:Updated code. include GkevinOD's fix, giant's fix & out of sync error check (haven't tested)

First of all i using this bot in 860x 720 resolution
it works awesome in searching , attacking and training( locating)
and all in all it works much better now appreciate it

what i only miss is the using of Kings in fights

The another problem is the message i get in few hours of bot working(2-3 hours)
" you have been diconnected due to the inactivity"

after that it doesnt to nothing

RE: Developing Bot - GeoByte - 12-24-2014

Thank you guys for working so hard on the bot, I have a feeling this bot is gonna blow the others away Smile

The developers of the bot should create a new topic dedicated to posting the updated .exe file and a changelog (just my opinion)

Came back home after work and found a ton of new pages Smile

RE: Developing Bot - some(rnd)guy - 12-24-2014

tryed to test if bot recovers from 6 hour disconect....but wife turned off puter after 5 h 45 min lolol...will try again to test

RE: Developing Bot - RMustang - 12-24-2014

First of all thank you very much for making this project! I've been trying to get the version that GkevinOD posted, but I haven't been having much success. I am able to start the bot, but it keeps getting stuck at zooming out. For some reason it is not recognizing that it is fully zoomed out. I have the resolution set 860x720 as well. I'm not quite sure what I'm missing.