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Developing Bot - Printable Version

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RE: Developing Bot - vanadium - 12-15-2014

I have tried the above settings for tesseract, but still getting a bad accuracy (50% only, no more). I'm diving into tesseract config to enable digits only, and "coc" langage to use the trained data on Supercell Magic font.

RE: Developing Bot - AtoZ - 12-15-2014

(12-15-2014, 03:54 AM)GkevinOD Wrote:  I am having the same problem that qaqaq use to have, I am running the Search Function script yet it only clicks next once and fails to do anything else. I've looked at the code and it clicks next first without trying to run CheckScreen functions, so I believe that I am having some difficulties with tesseract.
Any help would be much appreciated, I want to be involved in improving the script and helping create a bot Smile.

EDIT: I didn't read qaqaq's more recent reply and it worked
I got it working, I copied the Tesseract-OCR that came with the bot to the location of where I installed tesseract, 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Tesseract-OCR'. I merged the folder and it worked after that.

I noticed a lot of functions were disabled in Search function script. Probably, it did only one search because the Tesseract wasn't able to read the values properly and would always result in a 7-digit value which is usually greater than the settings you have specified thus fulfilling the need for CheckScreen Functions. Then there were no more functions left to do because it was disabled in the search function script:

Func Start()
ControlClick ($HWnD, "","", "left", "1", 715*$x_ratio, 405*$y_ratio)
;While 1
;CheckIdle() ;Check disconnect message and click on reload
GetInput() ;Read user's input
;LocateBarrack() ;If barrack not located, ask user to manually click on barrack to locate position
;Train() ;Train troop according to user's input
;Sleep(900000) ;Wait 15 mins for troops training
;AssignTroop() ;Assign troop type to troop position in attack (unfinished)
;PrepareAttack() ;Click Attack
;DropTroop() ;Drop troop in order: Giant, Barbarian, Archer (unfinished)
;DropAll() ;Drop everything
;Sleep(180000) ;Wait 3 mins
;ControlClick ($HWnD, "","", "left", "1", 400*$x_ratio, 450*$y_ratio) ;Click Return Home

@ Vanadium

Since the adjustment, I don't have problems with the values that Tesseract is giving me. I think it's just the coordinates. How I wish I'm a programmer..

After the Tesseract, we have to secure identifying the Zombies.. I don't know if Pixelsearch will do any good but somehow I luckily stumbled upon ImageSearch.. Check this link

RE: Developing Bot - vanadium - 12-15-2014

I tried your setting for tesseract capture, it's not accurate enough. Many values are missread. Any other setting i may have missed ?

I know imagesearch, i made it work on my machine. I'm going to implement full collector search, lvl10 and lvl11 only. Lower collectors have not enough capacity.

Th sniping can also be implemented quite easily. It involves locating the th, compare it with a corner location and choose appropriate deploy point for deployment.

I'm going to investigate again on tesseract in this script. I'm stuck since weeks on tesseract, almost all the other features done in java. Just i can't get it read loot properly, thinking i'm going to abandon using tesseract and concentrate on image search.

I've also spent many time trying to make java image search api sikuli work, but somehow it's not stable. Sometimes it just doesn't find any image, sometimes just half, sometimes working perfectly. And this happens when testing on a static screenshot..

RE: Developing Bot - AtoZ - 12-15-2014

I checked again.. Mine wasn't 100% accurate too.. I tried changing BS resolution but I find 860x720 more accurate for tesseract. Also, I tried running read value twice per search and got different results. I think we could run read value 2-4x then choose the minimum value and/or greater number of occurence. atleast the accuracy will be around 95% if not 100% I think. And if you match it with image search I think It'll be ok.

RE: Developing Bot - Antidote - 12-15-2014

RE: Developing Bot - GkevinOD - 12-15-2014

I've added a small feature to the Search Function script to help see the data from which is returned when tesseract reads the gold and elixir.

It is basically a textbox, like in LF Robot, that displays the gold and elixir everytime it searches.

#include <ButtonConstants.au3>
#include <ComboConstants.au3>
#include <GUIConstantsEx.au3>
#include <EditConstants.au3>
#include <WindowsConstants.au3>
#include <TrayConstants.au3>
#include <Misc.au3>
#include "Tesseract.au3"

Opt ("MouseClickDelay", 10)
Opt ("MouseClickDownDelay", 10)
Opt ("MouseCoordMode", 0)
Opt ('PixelCoordMode', 0)

$Title = "BlueStacks App Player"
$Full = WinGetTitle ($Title)
$HWnD = WinGetHandle ($Full)
WinActivate ($HWnD)

Global $Left = 45, $Top = 70, $Right = 660, $Bottom = 490
Global $BSsize = WinGetClientSize($hWnd)
Global $x_ratio = $BSsize[0]/800, $y_ratio = $BSsize[1]/600

Global $Gold, $Elixir, $MinGold = 50000, $MinElixir = 50000, $SearchCount = 0
Global $SearchMode = 1, $SearchCheck = 0, $ErrorCheck = 0


#Region ### GUI ###
$BotGUI = GUICreate("Clash of Clans Bot", 280, 500)
GUICtrlSetFont(-1, 10, 800, 0, "Calibri")
$MeetAll = GUICtrlCreateCheckbox("Meet all conditions", 150, 20, 140, 17)
GUICtrlCreateLabel("Min Gold:", 150, 48, 58, 17)
$MinGoldInput = GUICtrlCreateInput("", 200, 44, 55, 21, $ES_NUMBER)
GUICtrlSetLimit(-1, 6)
GUICtrlCreateLabel("Min Elixir:", 150, 72, 57, 17)
$MinElixirInput = GUICtrlCreateInput("", 200, 68, 55, 21, $ES_NUMBER)
GUICtrlSetLimit(-1, 6)
$Barrack01 = GUICtrlCreateCombo("Barrack 01", 30, 16, 80, 30, BitOR($CBS_DROPDOWN,$CBS_AUTOHSCROLL))
GUICtrlSetData(-1, "Barbarian|Archer|Goblin|Giant")
$Barrack02 = GUICtrlCreateCombo("Barrack 02", 30, 40, 80, 30, BitOR($CBS_DROPDOWN,$CBS_AUTOHSCROLL))
GUICtrlSetData(-1, "Barbarian|Archer|Goblin|Giant")
$Barrack03 = GUICtrlCreateCombo("Barrack 03", 30, 64, 80, 30, BitOR($CBS_DROPDOWN,$CBS_AUTOHSCROLL))
GUICtrlSetData(-1, "Barbarian|Archer|Goblin|Giant")
$Barrack04 = GUICtrlCreateCombo("Barrack 04", 30, 88, 80, 30, BitOR($CBS_DROPDOWN,$CBS_AUTOHSCROLL))
GUICtrlSetData(-1, "Barbarian|Archer|Goblin|Giant")
$StartButton = GUICtrlCreateButton("START (Shift+ESC to Exit)", 30, 120, 220, 40)
$Results = GUICtrlCreateEdit("", 10, 170, 260, 300)
#EndRegion ### GUI ###

While 1
  $Msg = GUIGetMsg()
  Switch $Msg
$ExitCheck = MsgBox(4+65536, "Confirm Exit", "Are you sure you want to exit?", 0, $BotGUI)
If $ExitCheck = 6 Then
 Case $StartButton

Func Start()
  ControlClick ($HWnD, "","", "left", "1", 715*$x_ratio, 405*$y_ratio)
  ;While 1
 ;CheckIdle() ;Check disconnect message and click on reload
 GetInput() ;Read user's input
 ;LocateBarrack() ;If barrack not located, ask user to manually click on barrack to locate position
 ;Train() ;Train troop according to user's input
 ;Sleep(900000) ;Wait 15 mins for troops training
 ;AssignTroop() ;Assign troop type to troop position in attack (unfinished)
 ;PrepareAttack() ;Click Attack
 ;DropTroop() ;Drop troop in order: Giant, Barbarian, Archer (unfinished)
 ;DropAll() ;Drop everything
 ;Sleep(180000) ;Wait 3 mins
 ;ControlClick ($HWnD, "","", "left", "1", 400*$x_ratio, 450*$y_ratio) ;Click Return Home

Func GetInput()
  $MinGold = Number(GUICtrlRead($MinGoldInput))
  $MinElixir = Number(GUICtrlRead($MinElixirInput))
  If GUICtrlRead($MeetAll) = $GUI_CHECKED Then
 $SearchMode = 2
 $SearchMode = 1

Func CheckScreen()
  Local $Check = ""
  $i = 0
  While $Check = ""
 $Check = _TesseractWinCapture($HWnD,"",0,"",1,2,$Left*$x_ratio,$Top*$y_ratio,$Right*$x_ratio,$Bottom*$y_ratio,0)
 $Check = StringStripWS($Check, 8)
 $i += 1
 If $i > 150 Then
MsgBox(0,"Search Time Out","Exiting..")

Func VillageSearch()
  While $SearchCheck = 0
 ControlClick ($HWnD, "","", "left", "1", 715*$x_ratio, 405*$y_ratio) ;Click Next
  TrayTip ("Enemy Found!","Requirement met:  Gold: " & $Gold & ". Elixir: " & $Elixir, 0, $TIP_ICONASTERISK)

Func ReadValue()
  $Read = _TesseractWinCapture($HWnD,"",0,"",1,2,($Left+10)*$x_ratio,($Top + 10)*$y_ratio,($Right)*$x_ratio,($Bottom)*$y_ratio,0) ;Capture screen region with gold and elixir
  $Read = StringRegExpReplace(StringRegExpReplace($Read, "(\v)+", @CRLF), "\A\v|\v\Z", "")
  $Read = StringSplit($Read, @CRLF, 1) ;Strip whitespaces & blank lines and split into array
  $Gold = Number(StringRegExpReplace($Read[1], "[^[:digit:]]", "")) ;Convert gold to number
  $Elixir = Number(StringRegExpReplace($Read[2], "[^[:digit:]]", "")) ;Convert exlir to number
  GUICtrlSetData(-1, "(" & $SearchCount & ") Gold: " & $Gold & ". Elixir: " & $Elixir & @CRLF & String(GUICtrlRead($Results)))  ;Sends Gold and Elixir to textbox
  $SearchCount = $SearchCount + 1 ; Counter for number of searches

Func CompareValue()
  If $Gold >= $MinGold Then
 If $Elixir >= $MinElixir Then
Case $SearchMode = 1
  $SearchCheck = 1
Case $SearchMode = 2
  $SearchCheck = 1
Case Else
  $SearchCheck = 0
Case $SearchMode = 1
  $SearchCheck = 1
Case $SearchMode = 2
  $SearchCheck = 0
Case Else
  $SearchCheck = 0
 If $Elixir >= $MinElixir Then
Case $SearchMode = 1
  $SearchCheck = 1
Case $SearchMode = 2
  $SearchCheck = 0
Case Else
  $SearchCheck = 0
Case $SearchMode = 1
  $SearchCheck = 0
Case $SearchMode = 2
  $SearchCheck = 0
Case Else
  $SearchCheck = 0

RE: Developing Bot - AtoZ - 12-15-2014

RE: Developing Bot - vanadium - 12-15-2014

I know this, but to know if you have 10k elixir, or 100k elixir, you need to read the whole value. And if the value is not accurate (example: 50.000 elixir, but reads 500.000), then it fails. I disagree with the W feature, which was a lot confusing when i was using lf-robot.

I suggest we stick to thousands, far easier to understand than 10th of thousands. Think about a hard disk drive sold with 10th of thousands of Megabytes, you will love the conversion haha

RE: Developing Bot - qaqaq - 12-15-2014

W means 10.000

EX: 8, LF Robot will find village that have >= 80.000 Gold

RE: Developing Bot - vanadium - 12-15-2014

I know, this is not the point. It's not because you only want the first digits that you don"t have to read the whole value. otherwise how do you differentiate 10.000 from 100.000k, first two digits are the same but it's not the same overall value. If the reading tesseract makes is not accurate, we can't go further. On my computer, it does not run fine with the given positions. I've tested many, it's simply not accurate enough.