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Developing Bot - Printable Version

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RE: Developing Bot - kojometa - 12-31-2014

RE: Developing Bot - dinobot - 12-31-2014

RE: Developing Bot - dinobot - 12-31-2014

People here should start reading post before they post questions. Those bugs/problems already reported numerous times and had already been replied.

For your info, this is a alpha bot, not even beta. If you don't even bother reading post and start asking stupid question, you shouldn't be using this version till it stablised.

RE: Developing Bot - mikypark - 12-31-2014

(12-31-2014, 07:12 AM)dinobot Wrote: @milkypark
Obviously you have some sort of screen saver on.... Please off them...

i don't

RE: Developing Bot - dinobot - 12-31-2014

RE: Developing Bot - Envyus - 12-31-2014

The current version of LP enables users to hide the Bluestacks window and it drops it to the very bottom right of your screen by pressing "Hide the BS windows" Do you think this is something that could be coded into this bot?

RE: Developing Bot - GeoByte - 12-31-2014

Bot works good for me! I get decent loot. Definitely better than not having a bot Smile

RE: Developing Bot - AtoZ - 12-31-2014

RE: Developing Bot - GkevinOD - 12-31-2014

RE: Developing Bot - ehsanslipknot - 12-31-2014

hey guys
my but work fine,but after 1~2 hour bot window change to white and didnt responding,,just reload the bluestack!(i mean reset bluestack,same as when its not on main screen,,but after clash coming up dont do any thing,just reset again the process)
[Image: v84ljfeh6wgbsdn1gkz5.jpg]

p.s: sry for my language