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At 6 hour take a break screen: Recursion level has been exceeded - Printable Version

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At 6 hour take a break screen: Recursion level has been exceeded - Kaz - 01-13-2015

Hey guys,

At the 6 hour break screen, I receive the following error:

Recursion level has been exceeded

Is anyone getting this? It is pretty consistent, so I am convinced I introduced it in one of the new features.

Just want to make sure before I spent time debugging this. It seemed pretty coincidental with the maintenance break but it might just be that, a coincidence.


RE: At 6 hour take a break screen: Recursion level has been exceeded - GkevinOD - 01-13-2015

You can learn more about it in the link above. At first I thought the reason for hang was this but I am unsure as I don't get the hang after fixing memory leak problem.

RE: At 6 hour take a break screen: Recursion level has been exceeded - Kaz - 01-13-2015

Yeah I looked into that, my question was more if anyone got it since the server update. This can help me narrow it down.

I believe I found it, during the 6 hour wait, i had some _sleep which in turn calls checkmainmenu which I also added a _sleep in there because I wanted it to be more human like than having clicking nonstop for 3 minutes.

RE: At 6 hour take a break screen: Recursion level has been exceeded - ehsanslipknot - 01-13-2015

same here
i think this error have a direct link about many restart bluestack(mean restart bs for hanging on search or another bs lag and errors)
and another things about this error,when I woke up today and see this error,check My C drive(windows Drive),its full and 0kb free space left! but after im restart my C Drive free space came back!(5GB) Shockbig

-windows 7 64bit