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Suggestion | Sniping TH with BK/AQ
Hello Tongue
i have new idea, sniping th using ONLY Barbian king And Archer Queen.
i saw that the option "Attack TH Outside" is not good at all, because the bot putting about 50-100 troops and its a spending of time and elixir, i think the developers should add an option to attack with only BK/AQ to get trophies more faster.
and sometimes the bot attacking inside TH Shockbig
some bugs should be fixed because we want to be in Champions Leage Highfive

Thanks for making this bot free and open source !
Or Maybe using 5 Archers
Yeah the attack th outside feature isn't that great. I would also like to see it not attack the townhall, destroy it, and proceed to waste the rest of your troops. It should check your search settings first and if it matches them only then should it attack the base the rest of the way.
waiting for answer from developer
hi thekicker,

you need to go to

all coc thing's went over there.

by the way, you can play with custom troop setting and sellect attack townhall outside etc

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