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Faster deployment speed
Take delight in the LORD, and he will give you the desires of your heart - Psalm 37:4
(02-05-2015, 09:07 PM)M Khalid Wrote:  @jondra dont copy the code just decrease the sleep time of barbarians ,then archer , then barbarians and then archers and dont change the sleep time of giants , wall breakers and other troops(i am also using v5.

I'm trying to change it on my own, not copying from here (it makes no difference, but ok), as soon as I change the sleep values and run my changed script it gives me "Error cannot check for Dead Base, Attacking..." all the time Cryrealsad

Could you please upload your working script with changed values somewhere please ?

Sorry i dont know how to upload file here ..


I think the developer can make troops deploying like lazypressing. Fastfrench version almost the same in lazy pressing attack .. maybe there is only need
to adjust a little in script.
Take delight in the LORD, and he will give you the desires of your heart - Psalm 37:4
Clash of Clan maintenance ( removing the barb and dragon speed train update )

Now i can see the speed of deploying troops ( barb and arch the same number of troops ) I think the reason look slower the speed deploying because the number of archer is lower than barb ( 150+ barb and 60+ arch )
Take delight in the LORD, and he will give you the desires of your heart - Psalm 37:4
(02-05-2015, 09:11 PM)SongHyeKyo Wrote:  
(02-05-2015, 09:00 PM)indy Wrote:  you're looking at the wrong function! this one is called only for th sniping..

look for algorithm_AllTroops

really? but dinobot said here .. atkAlgorithmTH()

Lol... I didn't mentioned anything about atkAlgorithmTH()?
Anyway it is algorithm_AllTroops
(02-05-2015, 10:20 PM)dinobot Wrote:  Lol... I didn't mentioned anything about atkAlgorithmTH()?
Anyway it is algorithm_AllTroops

Hehehe! maybe misunderstanding because in the link you agree what other forumer said in the code he / she post ..

Func algorithm_AllTroops() ;Attack Algorithm for all existing troops
$King = -1
$Queen = -1
$CC = -1
$Barb = -1
$Arch = -1
   For $i = 0 To 8
If $atkTroops[$i][0] = $eBarbarian Then
$Barb = $i
ElseIf $atkTroops[$i][0] = $eArcher Then
$Arch = $i
ElseIf $atkTroops[$i][0] = $eCastle Then
$CC = $i
ElseIf $atkTroops[$i][0] = $eKing Then
$King = $i
ElseIf $atkTroops[$i][0] = $eQueen Then
$Queen = $i

If _Sleep(2000) Then Return
   Local $nbSides = 0
Switch $deploySettings
Case 0 ;Single sides ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
SetLog("~Attacking in a single side...")
$nbSides = 1
Case 1 ;Two sides ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
SetLog("~Attacking in two sides...")
$nbSides = 2
Case 2 ;Three sides ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
SetLog("~Attacking in three sides...")
$nbSides = 3
Case 3 ;Two sides ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
SetLog("~Attacking in all sides...")
$nbSides = 4
if ($nbSides = 0) Then Return
If _Sleep(1000) Then Return

; ================================================================================
; ========= Here is coded the main attack strategy ===============================
; ========= Feel free to experiment something else ===============================
; ================================================================================
if LauchTroop($eGiant, $nbSides, 1, 1, 1) Then
If _Sleep(1000) Then Return
if LauchTroop($eBarbarian, $nbSides, 1, 2) Then
If _Sleep(1) Then Return
if LauchTroop($eArcher, $nbSides, 1, 2) Then
If _Sleep(1) Then Return
If _Sleep(1) Then Return
If LauchTroop($eBarbarian, $nbSides, 2, 2) Then
If _Sleep(1) Then Return
if LauchTroop($eWallbreaker, $nbSides, 1, 1, 1) Then
If _Sleep(500) Then Return
If LauchTroop($eGoblin, $nbSides, 1, 2) Then
If _Sleep(500) Then Return
If LauchTroop($eArcher, $nbSides, 2, 2) Then
If _Sleep(1) Then Return
If LauchTroop($eGoblin, $nbSides, 2, 2) Then
If _Sleep(500) Then Return

Upper = Func algorithm_AllTroops
Lower = algorithmTH() = Where you can edit the speed

By the way dinobot any idea how can i speed up the 2nd ware barbarian? there is a little delay in deploying the troops?

update: i got it already
if LauchTroop($eArcher, $nbSides, 1, 2) Then
If _Sleep(1) Then Return
If _Sleep(1) Then Return
Take delight in the LORD, and he will give you the desires of your heart - Psalm 37:4
(02-05-2015, 10:03 PM)M Khalid Wrote:  @jondra here is the link (fast troops deploy and auto screenshot of attacked and skipped bases)

Thanks for the upload, it still doesn't work for me though ... I have the same problem with your script.

It shows me "Error cannot check for Dead Base, Attacking..." on your script, same as on mine when I try to change any of the values.

Any ideas why this happens ? Orginal script works normal ...
(02-05-2015, 11:27 PM)jondra Wrote:  
(02-05-2015, 10:03 PM)M Khalid Wrote:  @jondra here is the link (fast troops deploy and auto screenshot of attacked and skipped bases)

Thanks for the upload, it still doesn't work for me though ... I have the same problem with your script.

It shows me "Error cannot check for Dead Base, Attacking..." on your script, same as on mine when I try to change any of the values.

Any ideas why this happens ? Orginal script works normal ...

Try it compile script to x86 then run script to x86
Take delight in the LORD, and he will give you the desires of your heart - Psalm 37:4

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