The Bytecode Club - Reverse Engineering Forum - Better Troops Deployment (LF Style), Fixed Train Troops - Printable Version

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RE: - Fixed Zoomout and ImageSearch Result Pos - saxmydix - 02-05-2015

can somebody share me the version 5.5 pls.

RE: - Fixed Zoomout and ImageSearch Result Pos - indy - 02-05-2015

little bug found + modified train timing to compensate for barbarians speed boost

EDIT: maintenance! they're removing the boost! LOL
so bad timing :D

the idle function with bugfix only

    Func Idle() ;Sequence that runs until Full Army
        Local $TimeIdle = 0 ;In Seconds
        While $fullArmy = False
            Local $hTimer = TimerInit()
            If _Sleep(1000) Then ExitLoop
            If _Sleep(1000) Then ExitLoop
            $iCollectCounter += 1
            If $iCollectCounter > $COLLECTATCOUNT Then ; This is prevent from collecting all the time which isn't needed anyway
                If _Sleep(1000) Or $RunState = False Then ExitLoop
                $iCollectCounter = 0
            If _Sleep(1000) Then ExitLoop
            If $fullArmy Then ExitLoop
            If _Sleep(1000) Then ExitLoop
            $iDonateCounter += 1
            If $iDonateCounter > $DONATEATCOUNT Then
                If _Sleep(1000) Or $RunState = False Then ExitLoop
                $iDonateCounter = 0
            SetLog("~~~Waiting for full army~~~")
            If _Sleep(30000) Then ExitLoop
            Click(1, 1) ;Click Away
            $TimeIdle += Round(TimerDiff($hTimer) / 1000, 2) ;In Seconds
            SetLog("Time Idle: " & Floor(Floor($TimeIdle / 60) / 60) & " hours " & Floor(Mod(Floor($TimeIdle / 60), 60)) & " minutes " & Floor(Mod($TimeIdle, 60)) & " seconds")
    EndFunc   ;==>Idle

RE: - Better Troops Deployment (LF Style), Fixed Train Troops - Karino - 02-06-2015

RE: - Better Troops Deployment (LF Style), Fixed Train Troops - bushido-21 - 02-06-2015

RE: - Better Troops Deployment (LF Style), Fixed Train Troops - safar46 - 02-06-2015

(02-06-2015, 12:54 AM)bushido-21 Wrote:  @safar46 thanks dude for the update i test the v5.5 the meet townhall level and dead base atk th outside very accurate but the deployment troops LF style a little bit slow.. but i like the new features. but its ok it just my opinion Smile thanks to all devs working on this bot....
ok you're welcome
LF style slow? for what version? this or v5.5??

RE: - Better Troops Deployment (LF Style), Fixed Train Troops - bushido-21 - 02-06-2015

RE: - Better Troops Deployment (LF Style), Fixed Train Troops - M Khalid - 02-06-2015

RE: - Better Troops Deployment (LF Style), Fixed Train Troops - dinobot - 02-06-2015

ADjust the sleep people... the style already in place... just customise the sleep to your preference..

RE: - Better Troops Deployment (LF Style), Fixed Train Troops - bushido-21 - 02-06-2015

RE: - Better Troops Deployment (LF Style), Fixed Train Troops - General Sam - 02-06-2015

How do we adjust the sleep? I read past pages and I can't figure it out. The deployment in the new version is great, just drops troops too slow.