The Bytecode Club - Reverse Engineering Forum - Better Troops Deployment (LF Style), Fixed Train Troops - Printable Version

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RE: - Better Troops Deployment (LF Style), Fixed Train Troops - James - 02-06-2015

(02-06-2015, 01:31 AM)safar46 Wrote:  
(02-06-2015, 01:28 AM)General Sam Wrote:  How do we adjust the sleep? I read past pages and I can't figure it out. The deployment in the new version is great, just drops troops too slow.

Really? ok im upload new one.. if you want to change it by yourself search these code

If _Sleep(100) Then Return
If $edge2 <> -1 Then
  Local $posX2 = $maxX2 - (($maxX2 - $minX2) * $i) / ($slotsPerEdge - 1)
  Local $posY2 = $maxY2 - (($maxY2 - $minY2) * $i) / ($slotsPerEdge - 1)
  Click($posX2, $posY2, $nbtroopPerSlot)
  If _Sleep(100) Then Return
  $nbTroopsLeft -= $nbtroopPerSlot
  $nbTroopsLeft -= $nbtroopPerSlot

And then you know what will you do Wink

Im adjust sleep to 100 because my notebook so sloowww if attacking Sad

the stack settings is 50

i change mine to sleep 10

i dont notice any difference between 50 and 10


nice update

RE: - Better Troops Deployment (LF Style), Fixed Train Troops - safar46 - 02-06-2015

(02-06-2015, 07:04 AM)mtm1830 Wrote:  I'm having the issue where the bot is stuck on waiting for main screen. Not sure how to fix.

Dont run your bluestacks with "run as administrator".
i think it can fix your problem

RE: - Better Troops Deployment (LF Style), Fixed Train Troops - dinobot - 02-06-2015

This is a warning...

This is a development section. Please unless you have solution to your whole problem with code included.

Also, please read other section of the post for your answer before you start shooting your question.

RE: - Better Troops Deployment (LF Style), Fixed Train Troops - redmoik - 02-06-2015

this works for me too! perfect so far Smile

RE: - Better Troops Deployment (LF Style), Fixed Train Troops - jervisvgarcia - 02-06-2015

how to adjust donate time settings? i've noticed that it just checks donates every after attack so that's 20-30mins. I hope it checks request everytime or more often like every 5mins. any solution for this? TIA

RE: - Better Troops Deployment (LF Style), Fixed Train Troops - sheva370 - 02-06-2015

(02-06-2015, 05:22 PM)jervisvgarcia Wrote:  how to adjust donate time settings? i've noticed that it just checks donates every after attack so that's 20-30mins. I hope it checks request everytime or more often like every 5mins. any solution for this? TIA
As code below, donate function always run in order when bot started and waiting full army camp.
Func runBot() ;Bot that runs everything in order
    While 1
        $Restart = False
        $fullArmy = False
        If _Sleep(1000) Then Return
        If _Sleep(1000) Then Return
        If _Sleep(1000) Then Return
        if $locate = 0 Then
            If _Sleep(1000) Then Return
            If _Sleep(1000) Then Return
            If _Sleep(1000) Then Return
            If _Sleep(1000) Then Return
            If _Sleep(1000) Then Return
            If _Sleep(1000) Then Return
            If _Sleep(1000) Then Return
EndFunc   ;==>runBot

Func Idle() ;Sequence that runs until Full Army
    Local $TimeIdle = 0 ;In Seconds
      While $fullArmy = False
          Local $hTimer = TimerInit()
          If _Sleep(1000) Then ExitLoop
          If _Sleep(1000) Then ExitLoop
          If $iCollectCounter > $COLLECTATCOUNT Then ; This is prevent from collecting all the time which isn't needed anyway
              If _Sleep(1000) Or $RunState = False Then ExitLoop
              $iCollectCounter = 0
          If _Sleep(1000) Then ExitLoop
          If $fullArmy Then ExitLoop
          If _Sleep(1000) Then ExitLoop
          If $iDonateCounter > $DONATEATCOUNT Then
              If _Sleep(1000) Or $RunState = False Then ExitLoop
              $iDonateCounter = 0
          SetLog("~~~Waiting for full army~~~")
          If _Sleep(30000) Then ExitLoop
          Click(1, 1) ;Click Away
          $TimeIdle += Round(TimerDiff($hTimer) / 1000, 2) ;In Seconds
          SetLog("Time Idle: " & Floor(Floor($TimeIdle / 60) / 60) & " hours " & Floor(Mod(Floor($TimeIdle / 60), 60)) & " minutes " & Floor(Mod($TimeIdle, 60)) & " seconds")
EndFunc   ;==>Idle

RE: - Better Troops Deployment (LF Style), Fixed Train Troops - indy - 02-06-2015

idle function is buggy, as i pointed out a few pages back! (solution provided as well)

RE: - Better Troops Deployment (LF Style), Fixed Train Troops - jamezon3_18 - 02-06-2015

RE: - Better Troops Deployment (LF Style), Fixed Train Troops - delinkwente - 02-06-2015

can you add button that can stop searching and deploy the troops? hope its ok

RE: - Better Troops Deployment (LF Style), Fixed Train Troops - safar46 - 02-07-2015

New v5.5.1 here