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NFC Tag Code
I have a situation where I have information on an NFC tag that a machine reads 1/3 of the card and then uses some algorithm to produce the code to authenticate to read the remainder of the card.  If I put up the information readable without the code pared with the litigate codes would this be a good place to find someone to help me figure it out.  Is there a better place in the forum to get help.  Would anyone have a recommendation of a different place to look for help for this.  Just so everything is upfront.  The basic model is a printer and the ink has a secure NFC tag so that the printer can count the usage and count it down on the card.  So basically it is a closed system where they want you to buy their product for the refill and lock other manufactures out.  So I'm looking to get the code to edit an existing card and use a 3rd party refill or create my own NFC tag to use a 3rd party for my refill.  The company is charging around 4 times the price for the same quality refill, so I'm looking to save money and possibly share the solution with others.

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