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Developing Bot
Looking fantastic! I like the simplicity of the GUI also as I am a former user of LazyPressing which is ugly as hell with random text everywhere. I'm so excited for the developers of this, great work by all involved!
Since some of you want to test AtoZ's zombie search function, I uploaded Bot 004 with zombie search and 2,4 ways attacking (it's still dropping in indiscriminate amount as troop amounts hasn't been recognized yet). It's still using the old GUI as I haven't worked on GkevinOD's new GUI yet (I don't know what he's currently working on so I'm gonna wait til his next release). Just consider this mostly as a demo for zombie search before we move on to the new GUI.

Download "Bot 004.rar" from link:
Unrar and run Bot 004.au3 and tell me if it works for you guys
Error on opening bot 004.au3

Line 1 ("...\Bot004\AtoZZombieSearch.au3"):
#include "ImageSearch.au3"

Error:Error opening the file
oh I forgot to include ImageSearch.au3 and ImageSearchDLL.dll, sorry about that. I replaced it with a new one, still "Bot 004.rar"
Tested bot004. Tolerate 90,100 didn't work for me. Changed to 80,90. Like the idea of double zombie check.

Checking of the barrack for camp full is good but will be better if can allow checking the queue to be max than skip it.

4 attack didn't work, I changed the 2 attack to 4 side attack manually since i am noob. Only know how to copy and paste. Used AtoZ 4 attack in his #447 post. They are more efficient in clearing outside collectors since I am on barch

Edit: sorry, realized the barrack queue is working. Filled rather than skip..

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