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Some bugs and suggestions

I was using lf robot with the bot to open/close every 50min, but something get wrong, i think the program doesn't close so now i can only use tomorrow. I have been reading since the beginning, just now i tried this bot. I used for 4/6 hours. So here are my suggestions/bugs. I used the 5.4.0.

1- While the bot was searching for a dead base, it search more than 80 bases, like in lfrobot it would be good to have an adjustment (for example, drop 25.000 in gold and elixir) after lets say 20 bases searched, all of this values could be defined by the user, the value of the drop, the bases searched before drop, and the lower limit of resources.

2-While i was searching for dead bases, found one base (in fact i found two like this), the mines weren't full just half, but it was a base one lvl down mine, and had around 300k of each and the bot skipped when i know that i could smash that base. So my suggestion, the bot recognize the level of the town hall and if it's weaker than ours, check if the resources are (for example) 2 times more than what we are searching, if yes, attack.

3-Like in lfrobot, it would be good to have an option to upgrade walls, there are times that i take 14h before i could reach the computer where are the bot, so i will be full of gold.

4-An option to shut down the attack option, just to keep the game alive, when i'm training troops for donations in war, or troops to attack in war, or just when i'm full of resources.

Some already suggested (if i'm not wrong):
5-The famous lightning spells in DE storages if the dark elixir is more than...  

6-Alghoritm to attack with giants, wall breakers and goblins.

7-While training, why not chose just the last barrack, to train troops, then click in the left arrow, till the spells factor and create them if it is checked.

8-Collect, it's a very good function to have.

1-While searching for a base to attack the DE aren't recognize well, let's say 40% of the times it was wrong, many times got 0 other times, blank.

2-The random factor, by mistake i erase the dot, and then i couldn't put it because it says that i could only put numbers.

3-After the 6 hours log out, it took me around 10min to log in again, at the 7,5min i got attacked. In lfrobot it checked like 2 in 2 min if it could log in. In this bot, in 10min it only checked 2, the last i logged in. Just tried once so it could be only a mistake.

4-White bot, still occurs after one hour and half/2 hours and i restarted my computer before.

Sorry for the long thread, but i would like to help to create a perfect bot!
Thanks for the good job that you are doing!

Edit: A suggestion to the forum, create a thread where just the devs could reply with all the releases that are made, because, there are so many releases and hot fixes and so on, that i get lost and didn't know if the last posted include all the functions.
(01-06-2015, 12:02 PM)pubeoutros Wrote:  Edit: A suggestion to the forum, create a thread where just the devs could reply with all the releases that are made, because, there are so many releases and hot fixes and so on, that i get lost and didn't know if the last posted include all the fuctions.

All good suggestions, but I think I like this one the most.
That's why it is important for you people to start making proper bug reporting title... If everyone use the same title thread like yours,BUG without any other description... It will be a mess too....
I think in that, but you want me to create 11 threads?
What you, moderator could do for example it's create a pinned thread where all the bugs and suggestions are, all in one post. A closed thread, where only you could change it.
Could have tags before the bug or suggestion, like [In next release], [Never], [In the future]. So before someone create a new thread, everyone should read that thread to know if that bug/suggestion was already reported.
Good suggestion... But I am referring to your bug reporting... Not the suggestion... Coz once the bug are identified, people will refer to them easily
(01-06-2015, 12:02 PM)pubeoutros Wrote:  Bugs:
1-While searching for a base to attack the DE aren't recognize well, let's say 40% of the times it was wrong, many times got 0 other times, blank.

To try to not get this, you could make it check two times the resources, and if they not match, check again the resources, and put the one that match with one before.

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