re4l1ty   01-17-2015, 07:39 AM
I believe troop deployment could use some work, not being a programmer I'm having trouble figuring it out. I have used LazyPressing for a month to try it out and it's pretty good. The way it deploys troops and has an option of the speed it deploys the troops is key. I believe if this bot were to not pause when deploying the waves of troops loot gain would be a lot higher. I looked at the 4 side deployment code and I'm not sure if I just have to edit the If _Sleep(100) to a lower number to make it pause less when deploying the troops or not. Any insight on this would be greatly appreciated. So far this bot is going great keep up all the good work to anyone who's been contributing.

re4l1ty   01-17-2015, 07:51 AM
My idea would be to add a textbox in the gui where you can set the sleep (pause) number it deploys troops, for me unhuman-like instantly worked the best and no pause in between the waves. I have level 6 barbs and archers so with that and 4 way attack I would get pretty good loot. I find myself failing to get good loot with the way the bot pauses when it deploys the waves just because the waves are dying before the next wave is deployed.

I'll be messing around with this and seeing if I can't figure it out myself but if anyone wants to help it would be awesome Smile
dinobot   01-17-2015, 07:52 AM
Why don't you try and test it out. Tell us the result. Share your finding... Open source for everyone to play around and customized to their needs... Autoit is quite easy to understand... If not, you can always Google to find out more...

Just make sure you keep a backup and at most revert back to last working copy.
re4l1ty   01-17-2015, 08:47 AM
I did change some of the _Sleep in the 4 way attack and it seems to deploy much faster now. My next idea is to make a text box on the GUI so you can set it yourself. Some people like it to be slower to look more human but myself I prefer it as fast as possible to gain the most loot. Will keep you guys updated
clegg   01-22-2015, 05:06 AM
this is a fine idea, I would also like if when attacking from two sides, the sides could be adjacent instead of opposite, as i think that yields better results in barching. If autoit is easy, ill definitely look into that
pinay26   01-23-2015, 04:42 AM
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