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End battle
good evening! your bot is really great!

Can be changed the length of the end of battle (or conditions) because sometimes I was 98% and ready to make 100 % but the bot leaves the battle and I not win any trophies

Can I do something against that?

thank you very much

ps: I tried my answer sought before posted

im french and I used google translation
Thank you Dino
after you change the value ( increased from 3000 to 6000 ) the bot no longer works well , whether or au3 re exe compiled , it no longer meets the conditions required ( level th) and the first attack targeted the launch of attack

sugestions ?

I think I respect the tutorial ( I'm under w7 x64)
I use the logciel Aut2Exe 64 re compiled and change the Wapper x64 version, but still no change , the bot will set no respect!

it's a shame because the original version is really great except left the battle too fast /

help me please

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