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[LP][LF][DD]Clash of Clans Farming Bot Cracking and Coding
(11-24-2014, 07:20 PM)renz Wrote:  my pc runinng win 7 x68 and doesnt work well with the script is just open the lf robot and check and then nothing follows it ddnt click try.. i try to edit and reinstall autoit and stil the same

I have the same issue
(11-24-2014, 09:52 PM)andystayrocks Wrote:  
(11-24-2014, 07:20 PM)renz Wrote:  my pc runinng win 7 x68 and doesnt work well with the script is just open the lf robot and check and then nothing follows it ddnt click try.. i try to edit and reinstall autoit and stil the same

I have the same issue

When reinstalling AutoIT make sure you go for x64 mode, you can select it.
The script works flawlessly for win7 64 bit [I use 1920x1080] on my pc but it does not clicks the 'try' button on my laptop with win8 64 bit [i use 1366x768]. So, i wonder if it is the problem of the resolution or windows? Anyone tried on win8 1920x1080?
hi did som1 already crack lazypressing?
(11-24-2014, 10:36 PM)Spadone Wrote:  The script works flawlessly for win7 64 bit (I use 1920x1080) on my pc but it does not clicks the 'try' button on my laptop with win8 64 bit (i use 1366x76Shadehappy. So, i wonder if it is the problem of the resolution or windows? Anyone tried on win8 1920x1080?

yup comfirm it not working for win8.1 64bit, others my pc running win7 either 32/64bit is working perfectly even in different resolution
I'm on Windows 8.1 64bit and everything is working flawlessly. Try to follow these steps:

1. Right click on C:\Program Files (x86)\lfRobot\xiaohua.exe -> select Compatibility -> Choose Windows XP(SP3) and Run as administrator.
2. Make sure that LFRobot is installed in the scripts location (C:\Program Files (x86)\lfRobot\xiaohua.exe) or change it accordingly.
3. Make sure Bluestacks resolution is 860 x 720 or change it (Just Google "Change Bluestacks resolution regedit")
4. Install AutoIt the open Notepad, paste the script and save it as x.au3 or whatever name you want. Make sure it's saved as .au3 extension and not au3.txt
5. Right click on x.au3 and choose "Run Script" or if you compile it remember to run it as Administrator in either 32 or 64 bit.
Remember to have clash of clans opened inside bluestacks before running the script.

Final Note: If you change the resolution from regedit, in order to make it work you must restart bluestacks by clicking restart from the tray icon or restart your computer.

This is my script(I mixed mine with Keeway's one a bit) and as you can see it closes the LFRobot and restarts if the "1 Hour notice" doesn't come up so you don't need to watch it:


If Not ProcessExists("HD-Frontend.exe") Then
MsgBox(0, "Bluestacks Problem", "Please Start Bluestacks then Clash of Clans before continuing")

HotKeySet ("q", "quitme")
While 1
Local $iPID =Run("C:\Program Files (x86)\lfRobot\xiaohua.exe")
WinMove("[CLASS:#32770]", "", 984, 274)
ControlFocus("[CLASS:#32770]", "", 1059)
ControlClick("", "DarkT", "[CLASS:Button; INSTANCE:2]")
WinWaitActive("Welcome", "", "15")
If WinExists("Welcome") Then
ControlFocus("Welcome", "", "[CLASS:Button; INSTANCE:1]")
ControlClick("Welcome", "", "[CLASS:Button; INSTANCE:1]")
ControlFocus("[CLASS:#32770]", "", "[CLASS:Button; INSTANCE:6]")
ControlClick("", "DarkT", "[CLASS:Button; INSTANCE:6]")
Func quitme()
The script runs perfectly for me Smile

Is there a program that can keep blue stacks and lf robot always on top? Sometimes my antivirus notification throws everything off sync.
no problem guys, it is a very basic script i threw together to get by with until a more rea$onable alternative or cracked version comes out.

The script i use was written using windows 8.1 x64 on a i7 4GHZ with bluestacks (kikat version) so it may be that you need to use some of the troubleshooting steps carpealexdiem listed in his post (thanks). you might also have to adjust the sleep times if you have slower pc's.

over the weekend i just installed 2 different computers (win8.1 x64 (intel) and win7 x64 (AMD)) to run my 2 different accounts and had no issues with the win8.1 computer but had to add more sleep timings for the win7 computer because it was slower..

here is the process i used to perform the config/install..

1. installed the bluestacks kikat version (has the nova desktop which seems to work ok).
2. in bluestacks setup google store and download and tested CofC. if the install of CofC fails delete your account then cache\data from the running apps of the Google Download manager, Google Store and Google store framework and try to setup your google account and download again.
3. put a shortcut of CofC on the bluestacks main screen, then close bluestacks (from the tray choose quit).
4. installed the little flower robot then run once then close.
5. start bluestacks then CofC game (resolution should be good because after running the LF-bot it sets the resolution).
6. run the little flower bot as administrator and go through the initial setups to detect your setup.
7. try out the LF-bot to make sure it is working correctly.
8. close out the LF-bot program.
9. using the SciTE editor open the script and hit F5 to run it or you can compile or run it directly.

Did it stopped working for someone? Was working fine all day till now, when i open the script it only opens lfbot and does nothing,
I'm seeing that people are having a lot of problems on Windows 8 so I figured I'd share my code. Wrote it using coordinates, so it's completely adjustable for your dimensions/spec.
I run 1920x1080 / Windows 8.

Anyways, it's a pretty raw piece of code, but it gets the job done.
HotKeySet ("{ESC}", "Terminate")
Opt ("MouseCoordMode", 0)

Func Terminate()
EndFunc   ;==>Terminate

$var = 0
While $var <> 1

;Starts the LF program
ShellExecute(@ProgramFilesDir & "\LFROBOT\xiaohua.exe")

;Wait for it to load (adjust for slower computers)
Sleep (3000)

;Click on the try button
MouseMove (485, 75, 0)
MouseClick ("left")

;Click on the confirm button
Sleep (2000)
MouseMove (120, 115, 0)
MouseClick ("left")

;Click on the start button
Sleep (2000)
MouseMove (480, 330, 0)
MouseClick ("left")

;Wait 55 minutes before closing and restarting again

;Close Program
MouseMove (1260, 330, 0)
MouseClick ("left")

Sleep (1000)

;confirm closing


Just hit f5 to start it. If you want to try running it and finding out your own coordinates, here is a script to find coordinates:
HotKeySet ("{ESC}", "Terminate")
Opt ("MouseCoordMode", 0)

While 1
  $aPos = MouseGetPos ()
  Tooltip ($aPos[0] & ", " & $aPos[1])
  Sleep (10)

Func Terminate()
EndFunc   ;==>Terminate

Hope this helps at least one other person here. Otherwise, the other guy's solutions look to be pretty useful/good.

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