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General Discussion Thread About v5.4.2.3+ and v5.5
thnx for v5.5 its attacking style and speed is superb(more better than LF) it is getting around 700k loot easily by attacking style and speed(as dead base search already improved)....thanks to all developers ..... Smile
(02-04-2015, 10:20 AM)Gahzirra Wrote:  
(02-03-2015, 10:46 PM)Karino Wrote:  @safar46 Can you set the bot to send more troops into town hall? Because 20 troops not enough to attacking the town hall. Because the teslas.
I wanna road to master league by outside th.
Sorry for my bad english.

Shadeshappy Also a suggestion for upgrading walls similar to locating collectors, have user select multiple walls to upgrade storing value in config (however many they want to click continue on)  then a loot threshold that once its reached it goes to the first wall coord and upgrades it and stops once the loot threshold is < and so on until all specified coords are upgraded

LF robot has this automated. The bot automatically detect the wall and upgrade it...Im trying to build it in this bot...but kinda struggle with it..
Can I ask something ini Coc 5.5 the general... its have option

boost left.. ( can you tell me what function of that ?
New v5.5.1 here
How to make it use rage spell?
It always makes me "Barrack is not available"

Please solution
Can I Slow down the troop deployment in v5.5.1.1?
(02-09-2015, 10:04 PM)Sexagrim Wrote:  Can I Slow down the troop deployment in v5.5.1.1?

Yup! go to folder Attack Algorithms > edit script algorithm_AllTroops
         if LauchTroop($eGiant, $nbSides, 1, 1, 1) Then
            If _Sleep(400) Then Return
         if LauchTroop($eBarbarian, $nbSides, 1, 2) Then
            If _Sleep(400) Then Return
         if LauchTroop($eArcher, $nbSides, 1, 2) Then
            If _Sleep(100) Then Return
         If LauchTroop($eBarbarian, $nbSides, 2, 2) Then
            If _Sleep(200) Then Return
         if LauchTroop($eWallbreaker, $nbSides, 1, 1, 1) Then
            If _Sleep(50) Then Return
         If LauchTroop($eGoblin, $nbSides, 1, 2) Then
            If _Sleep(50) Then Return
         If LauchTroop($eArcher, $nbSides, 2, 2) Then
            If _Sleep(50) Then Return
         If LauchTroop($eGoblin, $nbSides, 2, 2) Then
            If _Sleep(50) Then Return

change the if sleep number > the lowest is the fastest / the highest is the slower

just experiment you want ..
Take delight in the LORD, and he will give you the desires of your heart - Psalm 37:4
Great job,i hope you add something for trophy push like th sniping (not working now)
Can you do the dark barracks troop training? For example: minion or make an archer-barbarian-minon attacking strategy? For the faster troop training

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