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Developing Bot
I dont really know how to code but I am skilled at the game and would be able to offer quality insight for features. I qould also be happy to test!
#include <Tesseract.au3>

HotKeySet("a", "ReadValue")
Func ReadValue()
 $Read = _TesseractWinCapture("BlueStacks App Player","",0,"",1,2,42,70,660,490,0) ;Capture screen region with gold and elixir
 msgbox (0, "Result", $read)
 $Read = StringSplit(StringStripWS($Read, 1+2+4), @CRLF) ;Strip whitespaces & blank lines and split into array
 $Gold = Number(StringStripWS($Read[2], 8)) ;Convert gold to number
 $Elixir = Number(StringStripWS($Read[3], 8)) ;Convert exlir to number
 $Dark = Number(StringStripWS($Read[4], 8)) ;Convert dark to number
 MsgBox(0,"Result", "Gold: " & $Gold & @CR & "Elixir: " & $Elixir & @CR & "Dark: " & $Dark)

while 1

First of all thanks  Smile .
Based on the details you given out so far, I have
1. Installed Tesseract-OCR (
2. Placed the coctraineddata into Tesseract-OCR/tessdata/ (What else should I do other than placed into the folder?)
3. Installed supercell-magic_5.ttf font
4. Used Tesseract.au3 (
5. Launched bluestacks and COC. Zoom out all the way before start search war.
6. So far, the decoding is pretty much working but success rate of 10% or less.
7. Each time the decoding executed, the tesseract command window (black window) will appear and disappear (Pretty annoying - How to prevent the black window show up?)
8. Next, the $read msgbox will pop up and some of the captured are letters. (Screen shot below)
9. The part that i do not understand is "you can add "digits" to tesseract shell command to make it recognize only numbers"
10. Did i missed out anything?

[Image: Capture.png]
Since it's quite troublesome to set up everything right, I decided to move everything into one folder to make things easier.
Inside this folder is Tesseract-OCR portable with traineddata included, edited Tesseract.au3 file and Test.au3 script I made to check Tesseract's accuracy.
I personally tested with all 3 resolutions and it works fine. You don't have to install anything. Just open Bluestacks, stay at your main village and open the script. It will begin searching opponents and display gold & elixir on screen. Feel free to tweak the screen region in the script for optimal reading (I'm still experimenting myself) and let me know how it works for you guy Smile
[Image: qJckRZL.png]!Y0NBWbjK!l0m74jAce3...kSQRzjC_OQ
script only:
(12-10-2014, 08:46 AM)Antidote Wrote:  Since it's quite troublesome to set up everything right, I decided to move everything into one folder to make things easier.
Inside this folder is Tesseract-OCR portable with traineddata included, edited Tesseract.au3 file and Test.au3 script I made to check Tesseract's accuracy.
I personally tested with all 3 resolutions and it works fine. You don't have to install anything. Just open Bluestacks, stay at your main village and open the script. It will begin searching opponents and display gold & elixir on screen. Feel free to tweak the screen region in the script for optimal reading (I'm still experimenting myself) and let me know how it works for you guy Smile
[Image: qJckRZL.png]!Y0NBWbjK!l0m74jAce3...kSQRzjC_OQ
script only:

I used it and it pressed attack and went to find base. The first base it found was very low gold/elixar. It let the timer wind down and it never skipped the base (to search for more loot) nor did it deploy any troops. Don't know if this is what was supposed to happen and if it was it actually did a really good job. Otherwise did i do something wrong so it didn't keep searching. Keep up the good work and i plan to help when i get done with finals!
Did it show current search valuel like this?
[Image: qbEBqJ9.jpg]
Did you download the whole folder or just the script? Might be it got stuck at the CheckScreen func. Try remove it and see how it goes
Best if you just download the folder and run from there. Everything is preconfig :D
It said Tesserect Gold and Elixar Test
Press space to stop

I am running Test.exe

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