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[SUGGESTION] Auto donating

I came across this awesome project and I haven't yet tried it because im currently farming dark elixir at th10 and it can't be done as effectively with bot as I can do it manually (loons in M3+)
The thing I would like to use this bot for is auto donating certain troops and retraining them. While Im out and not able to play it would be cool to be able to leave the bot to donate some troops to my clan members.

It would be nice way to increase my LvL too if I could join one of those request&leave clans and let the bot to donate troops while Im sleeping.

So my suggetion is:
1. Choose the troop you want to donate
2. Automatically train those troops + collects resources and donates them to any open troop request in chat.
3. Repeat that process until I ran out of Elixir/DE and then the bot would log out.

Thanks Wink

Messages In This Thread
[SUGGESTION] Auto donating - by SoniSoni - 01-27-2015, 06:59 AM
RE: [SUGGESTION] Auto donating - by arifsiyad - 01-28-2015, 03:31 AM
RE: [SUGGESTION] Auto donating - by proclasherpro - 01-30-2015, 11:48 PM

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