02-07-2015, 08:24 AM
Was gonna post new thread. But seems u got the exact same problem :p
This stuff:
Found a couple big problems within 5 minutes of playing with this.
B.A.G.G WB mode. Does not set up troops sensibly at all. Builds 8 giants in 1 barracks, 4 wbs in another, a few goblins, in the next, and then a bunch of barbs in the last. Doesn't even train any archers.
Suggestion: make it set up troops like LF robot. Calculate the total # of each troop needed, divide by 4 and add that many to each barracks.
Real problem: I get the error "Line 24223 (File "C:\ ... \COC Bot.exe") Error: Variable used without being declared"
This happens every single time.
It runs through all the collecting, training, etc. Then goes back to the barracks and crashes.
Anyways, heres some useful information,
I get this AutoIT Error:
Line 3 (File "C:\ ... \COC-Bot-5.5.1\COCBot\functions\Read Text\getOther.au3"):
Func getOther($x_start, $y_start, $type)
Error: Variable used without being declared.
This stuff:
BlueStacks is open and not minimized
Resolution: 860, 720
Native x32
Au3 Script
CPU: X64
Aero Disabled. Please enable Aero and try again
Depth: 32
Resolution: 1080, 1920
Refresh rate: 60
_WinAPI_GetDC: 0x48010674
_WinAPI_CreateCompatibleDC: 0x100111EB
_WinAPI_CreateCompatibleBitmap: 0x0D05119C
B.A.G.G WB mode. Does not set up troops sensibly at all. Builds 8 giants in 1 barracks, 4 wbs in another, a few goblins, in the next, and then a bunch of barbs in the last. Doesn't even train any archers.
Suggestion: make it set up troops like LF robot. Calculate the total # of each troop needed, divide by 4 and add that many to each barracks.
Real problem: I get the error "Line 24223 (File "C:\ ... \COC Bot.exe") Error: Variable used without being declared"
This happens every single time.
It runs through all the collecting, training, etc. Then goes back to the barracks and crashes.
Anyways, heres some useful information,
I get this AutoIT Error:
Line 3 (File "C:\ ... \COC-Bot-5.5.1\COCBot\functions\Read Text\getOther.au3"):
Func getOther($x_start, $y_start, $type)
Error: Variable used without being declared.