02-19-2015, 08:46 PM
Find this under COCBot/functions/Attack/GoldElixirChange.au3. The default is 60 seconds, change this to whatever you want "While TimerDiff($iBegin) < 60000"
$Gold1 = getGold(51, 66)
$Elixir1 = getElixir(51, 66 + 29)
Local $iBegin = TimerInit()
- While TimerDiff($iBegin) < 60000
If _Sleep(2000) Then Return
$Gold2 = getGold(51, 66)
$Gold1 = getGold(51, 66)
$Elixir1 = getElixir(51, 66 + 29)
Local $iBegin = TimerInit()
- While TimerDiff($iBegin) < 60000
If _Sleep(2000) Then Return
$Gold2 = getGold(51, 66)