02-27-2015, 03:19 PM
(02-27-2015, 02:46 PM)huunguyen Wrote: find it in C:\COC-Bot-\COCBot\functions\Attack\Attack Algorithms
if using algorithm_Barch.au3 you can add Attack Algorithms
$LSpell = -1
For $i = 0 To 8
If $atkTroops[$i][0] = $eBarbarian Then
$Barb = $i
ElseIf $atkTroops[$i][0] = $eArcher Then
$Arch = $i
ElseIf $atkTroops[$i][0] = $eCastle Then
$CC = $i
ElseIf $atkTroops[$i][0] = $eKing Then
$King = $i
ElseIf $atkTroops[$i][0] = $eQueen Then
$Queen = $i
ElseIf $atkTroops[$i][0] = $eLSpell Then
$LSpell = $i
;attack dark storage with lighting spell here
If(($DarkElixLocation = 1) And ($LSpell <> -1 And $DarkElixx <> 0)) Then
Click(68 + (72 * $LSpell), 595) ;Select Troop
If _Sleep(500) Then Return
Click($DarkElixx, $DarkElixy, 2)
Thanks huunguyen! Where can I find to edit total amount of DE to light spell? For example, I want bot just lighting DE storage if >3000. How to edit? Please guide..