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I'm interested in the community's view on cannabis, have any of you smoked it? What're you opinions on it? Do you actively smoke it?

Personally I've been smoking it chronically for the past few years. My opinions range, I can preform tasks much better when I'm sober, so lately I've been balancing between being stoned all day and being sober. I'm slowly cutting down from smoking daily to smoking once every other day.

What about you?
i smoke sometimes, not very often though, for fun
very illegal though
Its been a while. 8years or so. I enjoyed it...if it becomes legal or my job doesn't test for it I'll start back up
(12-16-2014, 06:44 AM)jshea621 Wrote:  Its been a while. 8years or so. I enjoyed it...if it becomes legal or my job doesn't test for it I'll start back up
Hopefully, recently a bill was just passed in congress that is stopping the war on medical marijuana, you can read more about it here

It's getting closer and closer each day :D
(12-16-2014, 06:59 AM)konloch Wrote:  
(12-16-2014, 06:44 AM)jshea621 Wrote:  Its been a while. 8years or so. I enjoyed it...if it becomes legal or my job doesn't test for it I'll start back up
Hopefully, recently a bill was just passed in congress that is stopping the war on medical marijuana, you can read more about it here

It's getting closer and closer each day :D

In that same bill it makes it so that D.C. might become a place with legal and unregulated marijuana due to the fact that in the bill they attempted to stop weed from becoming legal (even though more then 70% voted for it too be) by stating that no federal funds could be used on it. But the problem arrises (or good luck depending ) due to that technically after the vote happened no funds need to be used on making it into law. By this then it means that weed would be legal and since no funds could be used too due with it, it would be unregulated.

I smoke weed every now and then but just with friends and shit, social blazing ;P
I smoke on a daily basis, love the kush nomsain. No but I don't follow the legalization's and shit but regardless I'm gonna smoke until I have none left. I never have enough for it to be a serious charge.
[Image: YungLean_SadBoys-byFredrikAnderssonAnder...40x300.jpg]
Occasionally. Havent in a month. however, i thinks it fun to do. Especially with other people.
im stop ganja on 2004, almost 10 years now, since my country ban it, been caught 2 times for it, now didnt take it anymore...hope 1 day i can try it again...stoneddd
(12-16-2014, 04:21 AM)konloch Wrote:  Personally I've been smoking it chronically for the past few years. My opinions range, I can preform tasks much better when I'm sober, so lately I've been balancing between being stoned all day and being sober. I'm slowly cutting down from smoking daily to smoking once every other day.

Same. I used to smoke nonstop since the summer of grade 9 going into grade 10 then I graduated and got a job. Realized I didn't perform quite the same when I was stoned so I stopped blazing at work, now it's more of a reward for when I get home. Since then I upgraded to dabs, now I'm saving more money on weed than ever before. Weed is good, I can't think of anything bad about it.

J.S The documentary "The Culture High" was just released. Definitely gonna be a big help in the marijuana movement.
I'm in about the same position as you OP
Engineering Student that used to smoke HEAVY, sometimes 1/8 a day
I can't anymore because I can't Calc 3 and Physics while high. My brain just won't be able to do complex mathematical operations like that
I also know I'm more productive and efficient with non academia, like paying bills, doing laundry, cleaning etc
That said, everything sensory is far more enjoyable high (eating, TV/movies, music), so I partake when I know I'm done for the day (usually my last 1 or who hours awake) and watch a movie/have a nice dinner.
It's probably the most harmless drug you can consume. Anatomically, biologically, chemically least detrimental to the human body when compared to other drugs.
I can however, drink and math, so I do that; also nicotine becomes necessary when drinking, so I've found myself transitioning to those two from cannabis.

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