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Developing Bot
Antidoe will this be a farming bot or will it be an on demand bot that will simply aid you with attacks such as skip bases until you find one with the desired amount of loot?
That is good then so in a sense it will run a bit like the Lazypressing version but without so many features?
It's still in development so I cannot say for sure what features will be added. For now it's not ready for use yet.
I tried testing this out but when I click on village search it clicks on attack and then does not skip to find a base with the allocated resources.
use the start button! all other buttons are only for testing purposes!
Hello Everyone,

I have modified my previous GetGold Function to make a new and improve GetGold Function 2.0!

Unlike the previous version, it can detect the gold in less than a second (for me). I have removed the PixelSearch as it is too slow, and used a different approach using an optimized PixelGetColor. Now, it searches for the color of the pixel and compares it with the pixel color pattern using a function that compares the color variation.

I've organized the code a bit and gave an example within the script on how to use the function. You must have 860x720 resolution and the x and y value may vary from computer to computer.

I will work on making the function more efficient and getting the colors for the elixir.
Very nice work GkevinOD! Do you think that in the future you will work on implementing an option to detect trophies and perhaps drop to a selected value?

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