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Developing Bot
(12-29-2014, 03:22 PM)GkevinOD Wrote:  Hello,

I just finished Pre-Alpha v004.2 which basically reduced the bot into one file and removed the FastFind dependency. However, I also removed Collect() function since it is too buggy for use right now. I have not implemented ImageSearch as it does not work to me.

This bot does not have an attack algorithm, next update I will work on implementing an attack algorithm with Dead Base search.

not bad dude i am testing Highfive
just looked into it GUI looks very nice! also it seems a lot faster than the old one
cant download the updated bot can you give another link? TIA
Wow... good job! I cant believe i found this!
Tried V004.2 for around half an hour.

Woww!! Amazing job GkevinOD !!!
gonna try this once my LF runs out...

holy shit its really something like LF from the interface i have seen
(12-29-2014, 04:03 PM)GkevinOD Wrote:  @kitsaboy Another link for Pre-Alpha v004.2!nJAxGRyb!8K_vrf7Bom...4YvtsrrXQM

dude its good

When you can do that would attack was with 2 sides?

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