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Developing Bot
Regarding this question; maybe it is possible to implement an trophy collector function which ignores the no gold collected for x time function and move on until time's up?
great work. thx so much.
just have a little problem with "restarting bluestacks, not in main screen".
but so far the bot is awesome.

btw i have questions,
what a method of searching function?
how can i make a bot just for hunt gold & elix??
that is possible for autoit to get data of gold & elix from bluestacks??

the GUI looks fantastic.
although i got to say that its crashing for me.
as soon as its checking dead base with imagesearch its crashing autoit.
btw. where are the differences between your 32 and 64bit versions?
COCBot32 and COCBot64 are the same with only different names.

the 32bit or 64bit exe file needs to run in Adminstrator for windows 7 and above.

32 and 64 just compiled in different bit. nothing much.. those on 64bit can run both 32 and 64.
But 32 bit definitely cant run 64 bit version.
run as admin is included anyway!
in how far are they compiled differently?
If not wrong, 64bit open up more registers, ability to use more memory and allow parallel calculation.. Hence faster in processing. But think it shouldn't affect this bot as the bot app is quite small so performance enhancement is not obvious.

In some cases, running 32 bit on 64 bit os, may be faster than 64 on 64. Need trial and error.
ive tried the bot for 2hrs now. i might say. its almost perfect already Smile
there is a problem running on a slow computer. keeps on blue stack keeps on disconnecting. when attacking (searching)
i decided to switch to my gaming laptop. and it worked like a charm.
my only suggetion is additional Delay Search function for fast or slow PC Smile
and also add auto Boost fuction. it would be great already :D
yeah but this seems to have nothing to do with the autoit crashing on imagesearch Wink
also. i have experience the crashing of BlueStack and the program. you just need to Locate your Barracks first manually. (last tab). before you "start" the game. after that. it wont crash anymore except for sync error. (slow internet or slow pc)
Not sure about that too. But I have been running for almost full 6 hour... Going to see what will happen after staying online for too long. I assume the so called crush was caused by the out of sync code where it will occurs when there is lag, due to computer or network. Making the bot think that it is out of sync and restart everything.

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