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Developing Bot
hey guys as soon as i start bot it keeps saying "trying to get to main screen" and then nothing happened in game....any solutions please?
do you use 860x720 solution?
if not, download this file
close bluestacks completeley (also in tasklist)
run the file
reboot your computer
try again
(01-03-2015, 02:37 AM)kojometa Wrote:  do you use 860x720 solution?
if not, download this file
close bluestacks completeley (also in tasklist)
run the file
reboot your computer
try again

yeah resolution is 860x720 as i was using antidote's bot earlier......thing is search mode works perfectly on 2nd tab but as soon as i click start on bot its first says "Bot is starting..." then bluestacks screen goes from coc game to bluestacks main menu and then again to coc game with bot now displaying "Trying to get to main screen" even though coc game screen is open.....after that nothing happens
what is the name of your bluestacks window?

"BlueStacks App Player" ?
yeah bluestacks app player latest version
Ensure that bluestack is in foreground, no mouse pointer on the bluestack windows. Hide chat window.
(01-03-2015, 03:21 AM)dinobot Wrote:  Ensure that bluestack is in foreground, no mouse pointer on the bluestack windows. Hide chat window.

Yep, thats true.

Use for best choice a Vmware with win7 lowest settings -> GG WIN =) so u can work on pc and botting without probs :D Highfive Highfive
(01-03-2015, 03:33 AM)kojometa Wrote:  @faulkner i mean the actual name of your bluestacks window. what does it say??
BlueStacks App Player Wink Thats the right Window Name from BS Wink
thnx for inputs dinobot,kojo and kingchen....tried everything you guys said but its weird bot is not doing training and attack options though search functions working perfectly as it did earlier with antidote bot...i gotta figure it out somehow...anyway thnx agn

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