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BUG: 5.3.1: Bot hang/ blank windows
Also specify what the last thing the bot does, check the log.
I have checked all my logs and found the same lines in the log everytime when the GUI froze.

This "freezing" is not a real freeze like "nothing works anymore" its more a "GUI goes blank and the bot doesn't work properly"

This is what always happens after some time (1-3 hours I guess)

2015-01-03 23:57:52 : Cannot locate Next button, Restarting Bot
2015-01-03 23:57:52 : Trying to get to main screen
2015-01-04 00:02:59 : Could not automatically load Clash Of Clans
2015-01-04 00:03:00 : Restarting BlueStacks
2015-01-04 00:03:10 : Trying to get to main screen
2015-01-04 00:08:17 : Could not automatically load Clash Of Clans
2015-01-04 00:08:18 : Restarting BlueStacks
2015-01-04 00:08:38 : Trying to get to main screen
2015-01-04 00:13:45 : Could not automatically load Clash Of Clans
2015-01-04 00:13:46 : Restarting BlueStacks
2015-01-04 00:13:57 : Trying to get to main screen
2015-01-04 00:19:04 : Could not automatically load Clash Of Clans
2015-01-04 00:19:05 : Restarting BlueStacks....
.... and so on

What is interesting:
It always happens after the

"Cannot locate Next button, Restarting Bot"

Most of the time, when the Next Button cannot be located, it just keeps running fine.

So the question is, whether this is just the effect of the frozen GUI or whether the GUI freezes because of it?

The road so far...


What I almost forgot to mention:
When the bot tries to restart bluestacks, it DOES restart but it stays zoomed in. Could it be, that the bot doesn't zoom out properly sometimes? Just random guessing here...
Previously we thought could be the imagesearch but I have the same situation as you.. Loop in can't find bluestacks. But this was previous version of the bot.

I still haven't really tested this 5.3.1 yet.. Running for an hour now on dead base... Still running strong... Let's see....

By the way, it seems that there is less or no out of sync error with this version...

My pc on 6gb ram, win 7 x64 and on latest version bluestack rooted.
this happens to me to. im using the compiled 32bit by crazies because it has drop king and queen feature which i really need ..
Please use antidote version.. It includes king attack... Test it and report bug... If the bug is of different nature, please start a thread...

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