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Bug -> v5.4.2.2 : Not zooming out & Always Shield click
Noticed 2 bugs when I'm running the version

1- The bot won't automatically zoom out the base when starting.

2- The bot always click on the Shield button when starting the attack, if the Shield button is not there, means that the bot is clicking on the enemy base.
For me it works, i think you have to delete the config.ini and configure again the bot, specially if u update your bot and didn't do a fresh install...

However, did you run the 860x720.reg file?
I've been running the Bot from V4 up until latest v5.4.2.2. I remembered that I reported about the shield clicking issue and Antidote, I think released a version to prevent that - currently I'm farming using version 5.3.4 & 5.3.5 - These 2 versions do not have this problem.

I changed the shield clicking code that is used in v5.4.2.2 to be the same as v5.3.5. This solves the "always click shield" issue for me.

Trying to figure out why the zooming out does not works in v5.4.2.2 Never happens to me in the previous releases before.
I have not tried any other versions before and tried this and it doesnt zoom out for me either

edit: this is weird. i just tried it on another pc and it zooms out perfectly..

I'm running the bot in 2 different PC as well. 1 of the PC runs OK, but the other one is having the issue that I've stated. Both running the same OS, Win 7 64 bit, but with a different spec (e.g. RAM, Graphic card, Processor ....).

Dead base detection behavior is also different between these 2 PCs. I need to tweak the tolerances and dead base images individually for them to work.
yeah. doesnt run all the way as it gets stuck on a non zoomed out screen
Managed to find the issue:

The below zoom out codes in v5.4.2.2 does not works well for me
;~ Func ZoomOut() ;Zooms out
;~     Local $i = 0
;~     While 1
;~         If _Sleep(500) Then ExitLoop
;~         _CaptureRegion(0, 0, 860, 2)
;~         If _PixelGetColor_GetPixel(1, 1) = 0x000000 And _PixelGetColor_GetPixel(850, 1) = 0x000000 Then
;~             ExitLoop
;~         Else
;~             ControlSend("BlueStacks App Player", "", "", "{DOWN}", 0)
;~             $i += 1
;~             If $i = 20 Then
;~                 ExitLoop
;~             EndIf
;~         EndIf
;~     WEnd
;~ EndFunc   ;==>ZoomOut

I replaced with the below codes, found in v5.3.5
Func ZoomOut() ;Zooms out
    Local $i = 0
    While 1
        If _Sleep(500) Then ExitLoop
        If PixelGetColor($BSpos[0] + 1, $BSpos[1] + 1) = 0x000000 And PixelGetColor($BSpos[0] + 850, $BSpos[1] + 1) = 0x000000 Then
            ControlSend("BlueStacks App Player", "", "", "{DOWN}", 0)
            $i += 1
            If $i = 30 Then
EndFunc   ;==>ZoomOut
Are you using background?
If so, try without.
good thing u switched the zoomout cause for some people the zoom out doesnt work with or without background.
As for shield being clicked I suppose you could do the sane cause the new one relies on capture region which is the cause of not zooming out and miss clicking due to false positives.

Im currently doing my last test on the bot before I release a cross version of 5.3.4 &
Be Wise & Good As Much As You Could
-Mystery7 Shadetongue
I'm not using background mode.

Can't wait to try your cross-over version ... Smile
k3iroll. thanks. i will try yours out first.

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