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Auto Change Account
hi boss, i have sugestion, how about auto change account, example i've 5 account, after attack and train the troop, bot will change to another account.

sorry for bad english.
wow.. u are getting greedy buddy
(02-06-2015, 03:30 PM)TheCheat Wrote:  wow.. u are getting greedy buddy

This is just an idea, and if the idea is conveyed you will also enjoy it, so just relax bro: D
Sounds really complicated to have it switch after training troops on every base...
I could maybe see something like this if you have two bases. Add it to the controls section where they have shut down, halt attack, etc. After it met whatever condition maybe it could switch to one other account by switching Google Play account.
I would not expect this feature though as it would require quite complex Dev work in my opinion and it's not really needed at all. It'd require the bot having to keep track on which Google Account is what base. Then it'd have to go even further and know which config file (you'd have to have a different one per base) goes with which base. Sooooo yeah...

If you really wanna do more then one at a time, get a VM or run it on a separate computer. lol
(02-06-2015, 04:08 PM)Proxy Wrote:  If you really wanna do more then one at a time, get a VM or run it on a separate computer. lol

Good idea, i agree with you, lol
(02-06-2015, 04:15 PM)safar46 Wrote:  
(02-06-2015, 04:08 PM)Proxy Wrote:  If you really wanna do more then one at a time, get a VM or run it on a separate computer. lol

Good idea, i agree with you, lol

okayy Saddest
but I will always be faithful waiting for this feature.. LOL
Absolutely possible, my friend.

I use multiple accounts on the same VM (not concurrently, of course) so I can switch between them.  Here is a way to use BS with different google accounts on the same machine.  It can easily be done programmatically, too.


  1. Stop BS (right-click on taskbar's icon for BS, Quit.

  2. In Explorer, open c:\ProgramData\BlueStacks\Android\

  3. Rename the directory called Data.sparsefs to Data1.sparsefs

  4. Copy that new directory, and rename that copy Data2.sparsefs (more if you have additional accounts

  5. In notepad, create a new batch file called StartBS.cmd with the following contents:
    SET num=1
    IF NOT "%1"=="" (
        SET num=%1
    "C:\Program Files (x86)\BlueStacks\HD-Quit.exe"
    rd c:\ProgramData\BlueStacks\Android\Data.sparsefs
    mklink /J c:\ProgramData\BlueStacks\Android\Data.sparsefs c:\ProgramData\BlueStacks\Android\Data%num%.sparsefs
    "C:\Program Files (x86)\BlueStacks\HD-RunApp.exe" -p com.supercell.clashofclans -a com.supercell.clashofclans.GameApp
    * Make sure you have the appropriate Program Files path for your system (x86, or plain).

  6. Save the batch file in the C:\ProgramData\BlueStacks\Android\  directory.

  7. On your Desktop, create a shortcut to that batch file, and in the Properties for the shortcut, put:
        C:\ProgramData\BlueStacks\Android\StartBS.cmd 1

  8. Name the shortcut whatever you want - "CoC-myaccountname".

  9. Rinse and repeat with another shortcut to the same batch file:
        C:\ProgramData\BlueStacks\Android\StartBS.cmd 2

  10. Name it whatever you want - "CoC-myauntsdogsaccountname", for instance.

  11. Profit!

Note: you need to use a separate bot installation for each account so you can have separate configs, just create several copies of whatever dir that you placed your bot files into.
It will not require too much dev effort. I just jotted down a few lines of code to allow the script to switch between the BS installations and config file locations. If I find that many folks desire that feature, I'll put some effort into it and share the code here with the devs. But like above folks said, for someone who has the capability and means of spawning several small VMs, it maybe easier to just do that, considering that you can run them concurrently. That's how I do it, lol - I have 6 Tiny7-based VMs running in an ESX cluster that all they do is make sweet sweet moolah for the 6 CoC accounts. Smile
thanks bro, work fine :D, your are great
i prefer vm with other account cause it may be attacked by other player if your account is not online, for instance you have looted 200k gold and 200k elix, and then you switch account after 10mins of not online a higher level player attacked your base and looted 300k gold 300k elix and de.. haha..

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