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[LP][LF][DD]Clash of Clans Farming Bot Cracking and Coding
Anyone else having issues where the trial doesn't start again after closing it before the hour ends?
Anyone else having issues with troop donations on lf bot? That and can't get the bot to target dark elixir. .. anyone else with these issues?

That and it seems to remove all troops in the quarter after an attack. Wastes a lot of elixir. Am I the only one experiencing this?
(11-22-2014, 10:28 AM)nyaosu Wrote:  Anyone else having issues where the trial doesn't start again after closing it before the hourtrial not ends?

I have this issue too as the dark elixir and donating troops ones. Tbh I don't care that much about donating or dark elixir issues. As for the trial not starting I have done an easy if condition inside my autoit script: if it doesn't see the welcome window it closes the bot and restarts until the welcome window appears.

Tips: make sure you open the bot as administrator and in my case(Windows 8.1) set the compatibility mode to Windows xp sp3.

Basically my autoit script does this:
-opens the bot and clicks try
-wait 15 seconds for the welcome window or closes the bot and restarts
-clicks ok
-clicks start
-waits 50 minutes and restarts the bot

Idk if it would be fair to share it because smelly worked really hard for his bot and 99c isn't that much for his work guys. I'll think about it
I don't think smelly has even released his bot though... So he's not losing anything..
Yea imo share it, people are going to buy his bot anyway, this would only be a temporary solution.
I agree with the two above post. Even if you do release your script, it's more of a temporary solution while we wait for smelly.

Thanks in advance,
I too have been waiting on something that works and reasonably priced so until then Thanks to Michaelb2007 recommendation about the LF-bot resetting the timer I have completed my script and have been running for about 3 days straight now with no issues.

you will need to firstly make sure that your bluestacks and LF-bot works fine before you even run the script that way there should be no issues.

here is my autoit script (not sure how to attach a file), just compile it or run using the SciTE editor...

make sure that your bluestacks is running with CofC started.

;Start of script

If Not ProcessExists("HD-Frontend.exe") Then
MsgBox(0, "BlueStacks Problem", "Please Start Bluestacks then C of C before continuing")

While 1

Run("C:\Program Files (x86)\LFROBOT\xiaohua.exe")


;Move out from behind bluestacks
WinMove("[CLASS:#32770]", "", 984, 274)
;checkmark the auto walls box
;ControlFocus("[CLASS:#32770]", "Auto walls", 1026)
;ControlClick("[CLASS:#32770]", "Auto walls", 1026, "left", 1, 7, 5)
;Click the try button
ControlFocus("[CLASS:#32770]", "", 1059)
ControlClick("[CLASS:#32770]", "", 1059, "left", 1, 29, 11)
;Wait for the 1 hour dialog box
WinWaitActive("[CLASS:#32770]", "OK")
;Click OK in the dialog box
ControlFocus("[CLASS:#32770]", "OK", 2)
ControlClick("[CLASS:#32770]", "OK", 2, "left", 1, 44, 12)
;Click the start button
ControlFocus("[CLASS:#32770]", "", 1065)
ControlClick("[CLASS:#32770]", "", 1065, "left", 1, 53, 23)

;pause for 50 minutes
;Kill little flower bot

;end of script

Thanks KeeWay!
Seems to be working well!

Thank you very much KeeWay!
Can someone tell me how to exactly run the script? what program and all. Thanks

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