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Change your CoC music/sound effects
You can replace CoC's default music/sound effects, BUT, this is not supported by SC. If things go wrong, well, to bad. You shouldn't have done it in the first place.

Prerequisites - Rooted Android device or BlueStacks (sorry i device folks), root file browser, music that rocks.

- Point your root file browser to /data/data/com.supercell.clashofclans/update.
- Inside the update folder make two new folders, one called 'music' and one called 'sfx'. Don't use the quotes.
- Inside the 'sfx' folder, make another folder called 'ogg'.
- Now comes the tricky part. Your new music/sound effect files must have the same name as the old music/sound effect files. Well, how do you find out what that is? Simple.
- Find a copy of the CoC .apk file.
- Change the extension from .apk to .zip. Open the file in a compressed file utility of your choice.
- Navigate to \assets\music In this folder you will find the filenames (and files) of all the music used by CoC.
- Rename your new files to whatever it is you want to replace. For example, lets say you want to replace SC's default combat music with the Willy Wonka Oompah Loompah theme song (seriously, who doesn't think that would be funny?).
- Find and download the oompah loompah song.
- The original combat music is in .ogg format. Your oompah loompah song is probably an .mp3. Whatever shall you do? Well, convert it. Ask Google how you 'convert mp3 to ogg' and it will probably have an answer for you.
- Finally, rename your newly converted oompah loompa file to combat_music.ogg.
- place combat_music.ogg in the directory called 'music' that you created way back up at the start of these directions.
- Start CoC, initiate an attack and enjoy the joyous sounds of the oompah loompah attack! To make it even better, attack with all goblins.

For changing sound effects, same process as above, but the new files are placed in \sfx\ogg.

So, I hope that is clear as mud. Enjoy some new music!

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