Hi. Newbie here ,
I just want to modify barb to balloons and giant to dragons in donating, but i don't know what DonatePixel(DonateCC.au3) for loons and drags. I try to put 396 for gobs and it works, but when i put 657 for loons, the log says "No troops available for donation, donating later..." Please Help
Sorry for poor English
Thanks for responds
I just want to modify barb to balloons and giant to dragons in donating, but i don't know what DonatePixel(DonateCC.au3) for loons and drags. I try to put 396 for gobs and it works, but when i put 657 for loons, the log says "No troops available for donation, donating later..." Please Help
If _ColorCheck(_GetPixelColor(657, $DonatePixel[1] - 5), Hex(0x507C00, 6), 10) Or _ColorCheck(_GetPixelColor(657, $DonatePixel[1] - 10), Hex(0x507C00, 6), 10) Then
SetLog("Donating Balloons", $COLOR_BLUE)
If _Sleep(500) Then Return
Click(657, $DonatePixel[1] - 5, 5, 50)
$Donate = True
$CurBarb += 5
ElseIf $ichkDonateAllArchers = 1 Then
Thanks for responds